Brief English description belowRAS BOLDING giver in-store-koncert hos RECORD PUSHER i Odense D. 21. FEBRUAR - og der er FRI ENTRÉ. Der er samtidig tale om RELEASE-koncert for Boldings nyligt udsendte album, DIGITAL DEVIANT. På scenen flankeres Bolding (vokal, synthesizere, Commodore 64) af Alex Anarki (synthesizer, laserkontakter, røgmaskine) og Kaos Korrosion (ekstra vokal, synthesizer), og der bydes naturligvis også på lys- og lasershow. Sidst Ras Bolding optrådte hos Record Pusher var det et tilløbsstykke i sådan grad, at publikum stod langt ude på gaden også, så det kan godt anbefales at komme lidt tidligere end koncertstart.
Koncertstart fra omkring kl. 20.
Brief English description.
RAS BOLDING is performing an in-store-concert at RECORD PUSHER in Odense FEBRUARY 21 - with FREE ENTRY. This is a RELEASE concert for Bolding's DIGITAL DEVIANT album. On stage Bolding (vocals, synthesizers, Commodore 64) will be flanked by Alex Anarki (synthesizer, laser switches, smoke machine) and Kaos Korrosion (extra vocals, synthesizer) and there will of course also be laser and light show. Last time Ras Bolding played Record Pusher the concert was so popular people even had to stand outside in the street so it might be a good idea to show up a little earlier than concert start.
Concert start around 8 PM.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays, Overgade 18, 5000 Odense C, Danmark,Odense, Denmark