???????? #? | ???? | ?? ??? | ??:??Rütmilisem, kui kunagi varem.
Randevuu on värske peosari, mis pakub kaasaegset tantsumuusikat. Heatujuhauss ja kelmikad versioonid popist.
???????? - ??̃??? (armastajate) salajane kohtumine.
??????? ?? ?????? ??? ???????? ????? ?????.
????, ????? ?? ??????? ???? ???????? ????…
??? ???? ???????? ???̈???? ??̈???? ????????? ????????? ?????̈?????.
Õhtu setting on hämar ja intiimne. Ajas kasvab ka tempo.
Kellega on sinu randevuu? Saabu varakult, sest tead küll, kuidas nende heade asjadega on.
????? ??+
?€ ???? ??:??
?€ ?? ????? ??:??-??:??
?€ ?? ????? ?????? ??:??
??€ ?????????
Expect rhythmic surprises.
Fresh concept with the most playful contemporary dance music — pop/tech/afrohouse.
?????????? - ???? (romantic) arrangement to meet someone, especially secretly.
?????? ????? ?? ? ?????? ????? ??? ?????????? ???? ????.
????, ????? ??? ???? ???? ??? ??? ??????????…
??????? ??? ?? ???????? ??? ?????????? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ???????? 7??.
The scene unfolds as cosy and intimate. As the night progresses, so do BPMs.
With whom will your rendezvous be? Don't miss out—RSVP now.
??? ??+
?€ ????? ??:??
?€ ?? ????? ??:??-??:??
?€ ?? ????? ???? ??:??
??€ ???????
Leia meie üritused ka Ela äpi-st
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
SUHE, Telliskivi 60/1, Põhja-Tallinn, Tallinn, 10412 Harju Maakond, Eesti,Tallinn, Estonia