A beautiful, life-like doll and two quarrelling young lovers create comic chaos in this spirited ballet with a twist. Set in the sun-drenched South Australian town of Hahndorf in the late 19th century, this mischievous story has a regional atmosphere featuring colourful, endearing characters inspired by history. Six years after the arrival of Dr Coppelius in their village, Swanilda and her friends are intrigued by Coppélia – the bright young woman that appears on his balcony. Jealous of her sweetheart Franz’s interest in the doctor’s mysterious ‘daughter’, Swanilda sneaks into his house to confront her rival. But all is not as it seems – and when the doctor discovers Franz is another intruder, delightful mayhem follows!
Choreographer Greg Horsman, after Arthur Saint-Léon and Marius Petipa, has created a touching and witty production – with a vivid Australian aesthetic. With joyful dance and the charming music of Léo Delibes, Coppélia is a light-hearted ballet that will charm audiences of all ages.
Created at the end of the Romantic era, it was loosely adapted from Arthur Saint-Léon’s three-act ballet first performed by the Paris Opera in 1870 and incorporates elements of both Romanticism and Classicism. The plot was inspired by E.T.A. Hoffmann’s stories Der Sandmann (The Sandman) and Die Puppe (The Doll). Rich in humour and storytelling, Coppélia is a co-production between Queensland Ballet and West Australian Ballet.
Please note: This performance uses strobe lighting and theatrical haze and smoke effects.
Production performed to recorded music featuring Queensland Symphony Orchestra conducted by Nigel Gaynor.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Cairns Performing Arts Centre, Florence St,Cairns,QLD,Australia