We have whales in the Gulf of Mexico? Yes, we do! From sperm whales and killer whales to Rice’s whales—one of the most endangered whales on earth—whales are a vital part of the ecology of the Gulf.
Join us as we learn from speaker Christian Wagley about the role of whales, the threats they face, and conservation actions needed to protect them.
We’ll focus on the incredible story of the Rice’s whale—a species that lives only in the Gulf—the science that led to its designation as a new species just three years ago, and how the whales intersect with open ocean birds and fish.
The meeting room is located across the breezeway from the planetarium. The presentation is free and open to all, so bring a friend or two! Light refreshments served afterwards. We are always out the door by 9:00.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Baroco Center for Science and Advanced Technology, 2076 Airport Blvd, Pensacola, FL 32504-8906, United States,Pensacola, Florida