Zapraszamy do udziału w dwudniowym, zaawansowanym, praktycznym kursie zorganizowanym w ramach cyklu Expert Programm Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Implantologicznego
Kurs prowadzony w języku angielskim
Abstract of the two-day intensive hands-on course
It is currently accepted that success in implant-supported restorations is not based solely on osseointegration and restoring loss of function but also on achieving the esthetic outcome of natural teeth and healthy soft tissues. Gingival cervical contour is of great importance for the aesthetics and health of an implant-supported restoration, and the soft tissue profile should replicate that of a healthy natural tooth. Over recent years, numerous papers have focused on the so-called 'pink esthetic,' and most authors agree that it is challenging to ensure that the gingiva around implant-supported restorations has the same thickness and height as is found around natural teeth.
Soft tissue and hard tissue remodelling occurs immediately after tooth loss, which usually results in an incongruous gingival profile and compromised aesthetics. Various surgical procedures have been developed to address the inevitable loss of volume of the alveolar ridge. Nevertheless, the shape of the gingival contour should be additionally preserved or reconstructed to achieve a natural tooth-like emergence profile in implant-supported restorations.
The purpose, of this two day intensive course is therefore to present the complete concept and provide the clinical directions how to manage with the surgical procedures and prosthetically guide the healing in order to achieve natural tooth-like gingival contour around the implant supported restorations and favourable quality of per-implant soft tissue
Learning objectives:
Implant supracrestal complex (Biologic width) and design of emergence profile (EP) of the implant prosthetic component, anatomical healer design protocol.
Choice of prosthetic component and material selection accounting the biologic response of subgingival portion of the peri-implant soft tissue .
Prosthetic guided healing concept
Soft tissue management around the implants based on mucosal thickness from the prosthetic perspective in order to achieve optimal gingival profile and favourable quality of peri-implant soft tissues.
Soft tissue augmentation around the implants in order to develop optimal supracresta tissue height; connective tissue graft.
Relevance of the peri-implant bone thickness and prosthetic driven implant insertion: Alveolar ridge reconstruction (guided bone regeneration), alveolar ridge preservation.
Clinical relevance of the quality of peri-implant soft tissue from prosthetic perspective; flap management, keratinised mucosa width augmentation, free gingival graft.
Work-shop Information
This two-day intensive course is all about tissue management around the implants from prosthetic perspective. The purpose of the hands-on part is to provide practical directions on how to perform surgical procedures and prosthetically guide the healing in order to achieve a natural tooth-like gingival contour around the implants and favourable quality of per-implant soft tissue which enables stable long term results in any implant placement protocol.
The participants will perform implant surgery, soft-tissue, and prosthetic procedures on a special 3D-printed model and pig jaws, following the workflow presented in the lectures.
Learning objectives (practical part)
- Implant placement in post extraction socket
- Flap design
- Implant placement in healed ridge
- Fabrication of anatomical healers
- Soft tissue augmentation & management
- Connective tissue graft (CTG) harvesting
- Guided bone regeneration (GBR)
Day 1 (04.06.2024):
Arriving in hotel, welcome dinner in the city centre of Ljubljana.
Day 2 (05.06.2024):
9.00 - 9.15 Application, welcome
9.15 - 10.15 Intro, Implant supracrestal complex and design prosthetic component accounting the biologic response of subgingival portion of the peri-implant soft tissue, Prosthetic guided healing concept
10.15 - 10.30 Coffee Brake
10.30 - 11.45 Practical session
11.45 - 12.45 Lunch brake
12.45 - 14.00. Prosthetic guided tissue healing concept for healed sites, Techniques for a connective tissue graft harvesting.
14.00 - 16.00 Practical session
City tour Ljubljana, dinner in restaurant
Day 3 (06.06.2024):
9.00 - 10.15 Prosthetic guided tissue healing concept for healed sites - complex cases
10.15 - 10.30 Coffee brake
10.30 - 12.00 Practical session
12.00 -13.00 Lunch brake
13.00-14.00 Peri-implant bone thickness and prosthetic driven implant insertion: Alveolar ridge reconstruction (GBR), alveolar ridge preservation, quality of peri-implant soft tissue from prosthetic perspective; flap management, keratinised mucosa width augmentation.
14.00-16.00 Practical session
City tour Ljubljana dinner in restaurant
Day 4 (07.06.2024):
Free day
Leaving to the airport
Prowadzący: dr med. dent. Matej Kuliš - specjalista protetyki, M. Sc. In Oral Implantology. Uznany, międzynarodowy specjalista. Oficjalny wykładowca dwóch edycji Kongresów Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Implantologicznego. Specjalista implantologii – tytuł zdobyty na uniwersytecie Dental Medicine University of Zagreb. Protetyk - rezydent w ramach specjalistycznego programu szkoleniowego w klinice uniwersyteckiej w Zagrzebiu. Public speaker. Międzynarodowy Key Opinion firmy BEGO Implant Systems.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Lubljana, Slovenia, Sankt-Ruprechter-Straße 53, 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Österreich,Klagenfurt, Austria