Poetry at 11!

Sat Dec 26 2020 at 05:00 am to 06:00 am


Poetry at 11!
Welcome back folks! We’ve done 7 months ov Poetry @ 11 since starting 5.29 & We will keep going until 2021 & beyond if need b! Nothing has really changed but this updated event description, & the only reason 4 doing this is facebook won’t let U extend the schedule w/o creating a new event. O well, U can’t always get what U want. Anyroad, as described previously, Poetry @ 11 simply put is a poetry reading/news/chat/google meeting!
More reminiscent ov Midnight Poetry vs regular shows 4 those hard core poets that can remember, We’ll take a similar laid back approach. Note the name is an homage 2 Midnight Poetry & the old tv idiom "Film at 11". The latter has a wikipedia pg btw if the reference escapes U or b4 your time. There4 I think We can do away w/such 4malities as forms & sign up lists, unless U really want me 2 make 1 & still not sign up anyway. We’ll go w/a round-robin reading where each poet will take turns. Please introduce yourselves, as is the norm, read 2 or 3 poems each round & repeat! As will b noted below We r not limited by time.
As 4 the various virtual venues/platforms, U’ve got Zoom, Facebook Messenger Rooms, Microsoft Teams, Skype, Google Meet & Twitch 2 name a few. I’m familiar w/all & know from experience 1 cannot assume that about others. We’re going w/Google Meet 4 now as most r rushing 2 zoom (guilty myself), & I despise fcbk. Sure it takes an extension 4 a green screen background, but time is unlimited if U want 1 or not. That & a recording option r the only things that really separates it from zoom. I personally prefer the privacy ov the latter. U can join via Gmail, a Calendar event, URL/link, phone, a Google meeting room, a 3rd party system or even w/o a Google Account. The Meeting link & code r later below, the only difference is the link begins https://. If U r unfamiliar w/Google Meet please peruse these 2 links (esp the Start and join video meetings section). Or as I’d always say when I was a fa/ta, read the book/instructions! Outburst aside it is all quite intuitive/self-explanatory. & if folks would like 2 try Poetry @ 11! @ any ov the other platforms We can try. Or We could take turns hosting too. That said, the links 4 help w/Google Meet:
Google Meet Help
Google Meet training and help
Once U have familiarized yourselves w/the above & the system n general, take it out 4 a test drive w/an instant meeting! Play around w/the controls & personalize things some. Feel free to direct any questions, comments or curses 2 the discussion area below or just message me. Also, if uninterested let me know & I’ll stop inviting/notifying U.
While once private 2 eschew all the hullabaloo ov having 2 promote & such, fcbk won’t let U create an extended schedule 4 private events so I’ve made it public. That said if U’d like 2 read poetry w/myself & others, watch Us read poetry, chat about poetry &/or share news about poetry, just follow the Meeting link & enter the code the date/time ov. I will b @ the Meeting link below starting 5.29.20 & every other Friday after that 4 now @ 11 pm, come rain or shine like most until things r ok. Captive audiences can b the best! The show can go on even after everything opens too. I’ll update & adapt things as needs b.
Meeting link:
Meeting code:
Make sure 2 check out the other online poetry shows as well! Arsyn Fire every Tuesday & The Brick’s Poetic Underground every other Wednesday were the 1st 2 move things online. Noting the void & trying 2 get something going, I & a few poets started doing Poetry @ 11 every other Friday pseudo privately until reluctantly going public. Then FKP started doing shows, & We @ The Dark Word Society Midwest proudly started Dystopian Verses Online Open Mic 8.28 2nd & last Fridays! The 6th online show comes from Revolution Records KC on 2nd 2 last Saturdays! I look 4ward 2 seeing every1 online & outside 1 day again! #SupportPoetryOnline & b safe @ the same time!

Event Venue


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