PMQ Creative Voice x 西貢海藝術節 - 設計對話:在島嶼相聚。感受設計和大自然之美

Sat Jan 04 2025 at 03:00 pm to 04:00 pm UTC+08:00

PMQ | Central

PMQ Creative Voice
Publisher/HostPMQ Creative Voice
PMQ Creative Voice x \u897f\u8ca2\u6d77\u85dd\u8853\u7bc0 - \u8a2d\u8a08\u5c0d\u8a71\uff1a\u5728\u5cf6\u5dbc\u76f8\u805a\u3002\u611f\u53d7\u8a2d\u8a08\u548c\u5927\u81ea\u7136\u4e4b\u7f8e
展開一趟探索人文、設計和大自然的對話。A conversation exploring humanity, design and nature.
About this Event

在香港的島嶼上,正發生著各種有趣的相遇和連結!2025 年 PMQ 首個設計對話企劃 「Creative Voice」將與「西貢海藝術節」聯乘,邀來活動策展人及參與藝術家分享故事,與你展開一趟探索人文、設計和大自然的旅程。

為期三年的「西貢海藝術節」集藝術裝置、自然景觀、歷史文化、社區參與及旅遊體驗為一身。今年來到最後一屆,策展背後有什麼鮮為人知的經歷? 藝術家既為村民後代,如何透過設計與 AR 科技表達對家鄉的情感? 歡迎大家來參與這場由「香港島嶼研究所」主持的對話,一起感受人與設計和大自然的關係。

此場對話後更另設導賞團*,由策展團隊 One Bite Design Studio 及參與藝術家陳振星 Christopher Chan 親身帶領參加者到西貢鹽田梓觀看藝術品,將對話延伸到島嶼之中。導賞團詳情即將公佈,敬請留意!

Fascinating encounters and connections are happening across the Hong Kong isles! In 2025, PMQ Creative Voice is partnering with Sai Kung Hoi Arts Festival to host its first dialogue of the year - where the festival’s curator and participating artist will share stories and invite you on a journey to explore humanity, design and nature.

Spanning across three years, the Sai Kung Hoi Arts Festival combines art installation, natural landscapes, heritage, community engagement and travel in one. Now in its final year, what are some of the learnings from its curation? How can an artist utilise design and technology to express feelings towards his hometown as a descendant? Join this conversation moderated by the collective Island Works and experience the connection between human, design and nature together.

This event will be followed by a guided tour to the Yim Tim Tsai Village in Sai Kung. Led by the curatorial team One Bite Design Studio and participating artist Christopher Chan, participants will get to experience the artwork and enjoy conversation on the islands. Stay tuned for more details!

日期 Date:2025.01.04 (Sat)

時間 Time:15:00 - 16:00

地點 Venue:S710-711, 7/F, Block A, PMQ

語言 Language:粵語 Cantonese

名額 Quota:30 (名額有限,先到先得。成功報名並出席設計對話的參加者可優先報名參加於 1 月18 號舉行的導賞團,詳情即將公佈,敬請留意。Limited on a first-come-first served basis with priority of registration for the guided tour held on Jan 18. More details to be announced, stay tuned.)

費用 Fee:免費 Free

主持 Moderator:

  • Chi Tang (Absence from Island Studio 創辦人 founder ; 香港島嶼研究所 共同創辦人 Island Works co-founder)

講者 Speaker:

  • 張國麟 Alan Cheung (一口設計工作室及一口舍群聯合 共同創辦人 One Bite Design Studio and One Bite Social co-founder; 西貢海藝術節策展人 Sai Kung Hoi Arts Festival Curator )
  • 陳振星 Christopher Chan (X-ARt 團員 Member; 西貢海藝術節 2024 參與藝術家 Participating artist of Sai Kung Hoi Arts Festival 2024)

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關於 About PMQ Creative Voice:

自2018年起,PMQ Creative Voice定期策劃設計講座,每次邀請不同單位從不同角度探討特定主題。 藉由每次設計小聚,發現好設計,探討最新設計議題,連結設計社群。 💬 💬

關於主持及講者 About the Moderator & Speakers:

🗣 Alan Cheung 張國麟 (一口設計工作室及一口舍群聯合 共同創辦人 One Bite Design Studio and One Bite Social co-founder; 西貢海藝術節 策展人 Sai Kung Hoi Arts Festival curator )


Alan也涉足展覽策劃的領域,擔任現正在舉行為期三年的西貢海藝術節的策展人。他更擁有城市分析硕士學位,探索如何於建築領域上提升使用城市大數據的潛力,並透過「一口」的URBAN MATTERS平台使城市數據普及化。

Alan Cheung co-founded One Bite Design Studio (onebite) and One Bite Social. As a registered architect with over 15 years of experience, he managed all technical aspects of onebite, focusing on enhancing public spaces and driving urban innovations through cutting-edge tools.

He also ventured into exhibition curation, helming the 3-year Sai Kung Hoi Arts Festival. Holding a Master's degree in Urban Analytics, he also leads a team of data scientists in onebite to explore the potential of incorporating big data in architecture and making urban data accessible via the platform URBAN MATTERS.

🗣 Christopher Chan 陳振星 (X-ARt 團員 member; 西貢海藝術節 2024 參與藝術家 Participating artist of Sai Kung Hoi Arts Festival 2024)

Christopher Chan (陳振星) 是出生於英國的鹽田梓第九代村民。在英國湖區長大,他對父親關在家鄉的童年故事,有著深刻的印象,因此激發了他對村莊復興和文化遺產保育的興趣,並積極參與保育項目研究和加入了村務委員會。他畢業於倫敦帝國理工學院,並獲得牛津大學物理學博士學位,現在與Tristan教授合作,探索將AR/VR技術應用於鄉村項目。

Christopher Chan is a 9th generation descendant of the Yim Tin Tsai Chan clan. Born in the north of England, and raised in the Lakes. His father’s stories of their homeland inspired his interest in village revitalisation and cultural heritage. Christopher is a trained scientist and holds a DPhil in Physics from Oxford and a degree from Imperial College. He is actively involved in restoration projects and serves on the village committee. He now collaborates with Prof. Tristan Braud on applying AR/VR technology to rural development.

🗣 Chi Tang (Absence from Island Studio 創辦人 founder ; 香港島嶼研究所 共同創辦人 Island Works co-founder)

智是一位在香港註冊的建築師,也是 Absence from Island Studio 的創始人 —— 這是一個由建築師、設計師和其他專業人士組成的工作室,致力於各種設計項目,其作品曾獲各本地和國際獎項。Chi 擁有豐富的國際工作經驗,包括在香港、中國、倫敦和馬德里等各地城市。他的作品集涵蓋了與環境相關的建築作品和實驗性藝術品,理念為探索設計的極限,並將項目的獨特性融入到場地和文化背景中。除了他的專業工作外,Chi 是一位熱愛冒險並熱愛大自然的人。他和 Leroy 三年前在香港在 Design Trust 的支持下開始了 Island Research Project。通過發現香港島嶼的背景和獨特性,將這些元素轉化為一種新的設計方法和藝術作品,這將是他們長期參與香港設計的項目。

Chi is a registered architect in Hong Kong and the founder of Absence from Island Studio, a collective of architects, designers, and professionals collaborating on a variety of design projects which have gained local and international acclaim. With extensive international experience in Hong Kong, China, London, and Madrid, Chi boasts a versatile portfolio ranging from contextual built works and experimental art pieces. His design approach focuses on exploring the limits of design and emphasizing the project's uniqueness within its site and cultural context. Personally, Chi is also passionate about nature and, alongside his partner Leroy, initiated the Island Research Project in Hong Kong three years ago with the support of Design Trust. This ongoing project aims to uncover the context and uniqueness of Hong Kong's islands, translating these elements into innovative design approaches and artworks to contribute to the local design scene.

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備注 Remarks:

1. 完成報名登記的人士,即表示已閲覽及同意報名程序、條款及細則,以及惡劣天氣安排。

2. 此活動適合15歲或以上人士參與。

3. 此活動將以粵語進行。

4. 活動名額有限,先到先得。成功報名並出席設計對話的參加者可優先報名參加於 1 月18 號舉行的導賞團,若在優先報名階段名額已滿,將不會進行公開活動報名。

5. 如有任何爭議,PMQ元創方保留最終決定權。


Event Venue & Nearby Stays

PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Street, Central, Hong Kong


HKD 0.00

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