Meet Bruce Finocchio—A Young Gray Fox Drinks Precious Life-Giving Water
A moment of pure serenity unfolds as a young gray fox drinks from a crystal-clear pond.
And as the fox lowers its head to drink the world seems to hold its breath. As one looks into the depths of its eyes this moment becomes a bridge between the physical and the spiritual. In this fleeting instant we are invited to reconnect with the essence of life to feel the pulse of nature in our veins.
Bruce Finocchio the visionary behind this image seeks to open doorways to the heart of the wild. His
mission is to restore our sense of wonder and remind us of the beauty in every living creature. Through his empathetic eye he captures not just the image of a fox but the spirit of the wilderness itself.
This photograph is a gentle reminder of our connection to Mother Earth. It whispers to us of harmony
and peace urging us to protect the delicate web of life that sustains us all. In the fox’s gaze we find a
reflection of our longing for tranquility and oneness with the world.
Let this image be a doorway for you. Step through it and feel the sacredness of life. Allow yourself to be enveloped in the mystery and wonder that nature offers. In doing so you may find a piece of your spirit that you never knew was missing.
Bruce Finocchio and seven other Peninsula Camera Club (PCC) will share their artistic photographs at the Image Central Gallery from February 15 2025 through March 29 2025. There will be a reception on February 15 2025 from 1:00 to 4:00 PM at the ImageCentral Gallery 1099 E Street Hayward CA 94546. Please come and visit to see more of Bruce’s photography.
FYI: Hours for Upper Gallery are HARD Hours Monday-Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Lower Gallery: ImageCentral Hours Monday's 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM Tuesday and Thursday 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
#ImageCentral #BruceFinocchio #YoungGrayFox #Fox #GrayFoxDrinkingWater #WildlifePhotography
#BruceFinocchioFoxImage #NaturePhotography #WildlifePhotography #SacredMomentsWildlife
#FoxCloseupWater #EmpatheticWildifeArt #RamrodRanch #CentralCalifornia #DreamCatcherImages
#YoungGrayFox #YoungGrayFoxDrinkingPreciousWater #PreciousWater #FoxEars
Event Venue
ImageCentral Gallery, 1099 E St, Hayward, CA 94541, United States
USD 0.00