Cynhelir y sgwrs ‘Pentref Coll Y Glannau?’ trwy gyfrwng y Saesneg. Ond gellir gofyn cwestiynau yn Gymraeg a SaesnegFel rhan o’r arddangosfa Hirael ‘Pobol Iawn’ (Portreadau a Lleisiau Hirael), gwahoddir ymwelwyr i ddigwyddiad arbennig sy’n cynnwys trafodaeth gyda’r artist Pete Jones a’r ffotograffydd Robert Eames. Bydd Pentref Coll Y Glannau yn cynnig cyfle unigryw i ymchwilio’n ddyfnach i’r straeon a’r themâu y tu ôl i’r arddangosfa ac i fyfyrio ar hanes gweledol cyfoethog ardal Hirael.
Bydd Jones ac Eames yn archwilio gwaith y ffotograffydd cyfoes Iolo Penry, y mae ei gyfres ddiweddar yn cyfleu cymuned fywiog a thirweddau Hirael. Mae portreadau personol a delweddau dogfennol Penry yn cynnig portread cynnil o’r ardal, a bydd y drafodaeth yn rhoi cipolwg ar ei broses greadigol ac arwyddocâd y bobl a’r lleoedd a welir yn ei ffotograffau.
Bydd y sgwrs hefyd yn tynnu sylw at ddelweddau allweddol o Archif Gwynedd, gan dynnu ar ffotograffau hanesyddol i gyd-destunol hunaniaeth esblygol Hirael dros amser. Mae’r delweddau hyn yn gofnod pwerus o hanes y gymuned, a bydd Jones ac Eames yn trafod sut maen nhw’n llywio ac yn cyfoethogi’r arddangosfa bresennol.
Canolbwynt y digwyddiad fydd etifeddiaeth y diweddar Garry Stuart, y mae ei arddangosfa Hirael yn 1976 yn parhau i fod yn garreg filltir yn hanes artistig yr ardal. Bydd Jones ac Eames yn myfyrio ar sut y cipiodd gwaith Stuart hanfod Hirael yng nghanol yr 20fed ganrif a sut mae ei archwiliad o gymuned a lle yn parhau i ddylanwadu ar artistiaid cyfoes, gan gynnwys Penry.
Mae’r digwyddiad hwn yn cynnig cyfle prin i glywed yn uniongyrchol gan y rhai sy’n ymwneud â chadw a dehongli hanes gweledol Hirael, gan ddarparu dealltwriaeth ddyfnach o arwyddocâd diwylliannol parhaus yr ardal. Ymunwch â ni am prynhawn o fyfyrio, sgwrs a chysylltiad â gorffennol a phresennol Hirael.
The ‘Vanished Sea Village?’ talk will be held through the medium of English. But questions may be asked in Welsh and English
As part of the exhibition Hirael ‘Pobol Iawn’ (Portraits and Voices of Hirael), visitors are invited to a special event featuring a discussion with artist Pete Jones and photographer Robert Eames. Vanished Sea Village will offer a unique opportunity to delve deeper into the stories and themes behind the exhibition and to reflect on the rich visual history of the Hirael area.
Jones and Eames will explore the work of contemporary photographer Iolo Penry, whose recent series captures the vibrant community and landscapes of Hirael. Penry’s intimate portraits and documentary-style images offer a nuanced portrayal of the area, and the discussion will provide insight into his creative process and the significance of the people and places featured in his photographs.
The conversation will also spotlight key images from the Gwynedd Archive, drawing on historical photographs to contextualize Hirael’s evolving identity over time. These images serve as a powerful record of the community’s history, and Jones and Eames will discuss how they inform and enrich the current exhibition.
A central focus of the event will be the legacy of the late Garry Stuart, whose 1976 exhibition Hirael remains a landmark in the area’s artistic history. Jones and Eames will reflect on how Stuart’s work captured the essence of Hirael in the mid-20th century and how his exploration of community and place continues to influence contemporary artists, including Penry.
This event offers a rare opportunity to hear directly from those involved in preserving and interpreting Hirael’s visual history, providing a deeper understanding of the area’s enduring cultural significance. Join us for an evening of reflection, conversation, and connection to the past and present of Hirael.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Ffordd Gwynedd, LL57 1DT Bangor, United Kingdom, Bangor, United Kingdom