£39.50 per month
Kempston Friday 7:30-8:30
TO BOOK: https://bookwhen.com/fittishtraining/e/ev-sz4y-20240705073000
Wootton Wednesday 18:00-19:00
TO BOOK: https://bookwhen.com/fittishtraining/e/ev-sool-20240703180000
It is a form of body conditioning that involves endurance training resistance training high-intensity aerobics. It targets strength building and muscular endurance
A combination of six or more exercises performed for a prescribed amount of time with short rest periods between. One circuit is when all of the chosen exercises have been completed a session will include multiple circuits.
Example session
40 seconds of squats 10 seconds to swap exercise then on to arm circles star jumps plank lunges overhead press skipping bicycle crunches one minute rest then repeat 4 times. Each exercises is adapted to each persons ability
Event Venue
Kempston, Kempston, Bedford, United Kingdom
GBP 0.00