⭐ Paradigm Shift on sõiduk, mille vahendusel saame nautida helimaastike võlusid puhtaimal kujul, tuues tantsuplatsile kokku kohalolu energiast laetud inimesed. Alkoholi ja meelemürgivaba pidu Paradigm Shift tuleb taas 01.03.2025 Loovruumis. ⭐Ühendu meie loodud ruumiga, mis on täis rõõmu, puhast energiat ning kvaliteetset muusikat. Paradigm Shifti pidudel leiame üles väe iseendast, mistõttu puudub vajadus haarata kätt alkoholi ning teiste substantside järele. Keskendume elu tähistamisele ja positiivsele vibe´le, mida aitavad tekitada meie imelised helivõlurid.
🎶 Ansambel Yejah. Indie bänd, mis toob südamlikku loomingut omas mahlas ja ikka hingega.
Seejärel liigume edasi DJ puldi taha, viies meeled elektroonilisele sagedusele, mille toovad teieni:
🎶 PALUOJA (House)
🎶 NAPSES LUCTUS (Organic house)
🎶 UTOPIAN REALITY (Classic trance)
Miks on hea mõte tulla meie peole ?
✔ Oled ümbritsetud positiivsest energiast, mis on loodud puhtal kujul.
✔ Turvaline ning hinnangutevaba ruum, kus austame üksteist.
✔ Kesksel kohal on koos loomine, ühtsuse tunne ning loomingulisus.
✨ Kutsume sind kogema meeli ülendavaid hetki maksimaalselt ägedas keskkonnas. Pakume snäkke, toorkakaod, alkoholivabu kokteile ja palju muid üllatusi.
👨👩👧👧 Peresõbralik sündmus.
💰 Kohapeal arveldame ainult sularahas.
💰Eelmüügist pilet 15 eurot.
💰Kohapeal 20 eurot.
For our foreign friends:
⭐ Paradigm Shift is a vehicle through which we can enjoy the magic of soundscapes in their purest form, bringing together people charged with energy on the dance floor. The alcohol- and substance-free party Paradigm Shift returns on 01.03.2025 at Loovruum. ⭐
Join our created space, filled with joy, pure energy, and quality music. At Paradigm Shift parties, we rediscover the power within ourselves, which eliminates the need to reach for alcohol and other substances. We focus on celebrating life and the positive vibes generated by our amazing sound magicians.
🎶 An indie band Yejah, that brings heartfelt creations in their own style and with soul.
Then we move on to the DJ booth, taking the senses to an electronic frequency, brought to you by:
🎶 PALUOJA (House)
🎶 NAPES LUCTUS (Organic house)
🎶 UTOPIAN REALITY (Classic trance)
Why is it a good idea to come to our party?
✔ You will be surrounded by positive energy created in its purest form.
✔ A safe and judgment-free space where we respect each other.
✔ The focus is on co-creation, a sense of unity, and creativity.
✨ We invite you to experience uplifting moments in an incredibly cool environment. We offer snacks, raw cacao, alcohol free cockteils, and many other surprises.
👨👩👧👧 Family-friendly event.
💰 We only accept cash on site.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Creative Space Tallinn / Loovruum, Tulika 9/11, Kristiine, Tallinn, 10613 Harju Maakond, Eesti,Tallinn, Estonia