About this Event
"Step into the lives of the Goldmans, an ordinary family thrust into extraordinary terror. In Paper Walls, a true story unfolds as their once-thriving life in Berlin shatters under Nazi brutality and a U.S. immigration system unwilling to help."
Directed by Darin Anthony
You must claim your tickets no later than 8pm. After that, we can not guarantee that we will be able to seat you.
Concessions will not be available except for bottled water, and no other food or beverages will be allowed in the theater.
Stay Home If You Are Ill – If you or someone in your group doesn’t feel well, has exhibited symptoms of COVID-19, or has been in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the previous 10 days, we ask that you make alternate arrangements to attend at a later date. Please contact us at 310-551-0918 for more information
Please note that these health and safety measures are subject to change, at The Inkwell Theater's sole discretion and based on evolving health and safety guidance and conditions. We will continue working closely with L.A. County officials to ensure we are following all applicable health and safety protocols.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Broadwater Black Box, 6322 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles, United States