⭐️ OT face to face training session ⭐️I have arranged for an occupational therapist to do a 2 hour face to face training session at Hanwell Fields Community Centre, Banbury. She is a very knowledgeable, neuro-affirming OT with over 21 years of experience with children.
It includes the following:
- 1 hour introduction to sensory processing
- Strategies you can try at home
- Useful equipment and recommended books/resources
- 1 hour of questions and trying out various OT equipment
📅 Mon 27th Jan 2025
⏰ 10am - 12pm
📍 Hanwell Fields community centre, Banbury (downstairs hall)
💵 £14 per person
☕️ Tea and coffee provided
⭐️ If you would like to attend this session, please message me for details on how to book and pay (PayPal or bank transfer).
Really looking forward to seeing you all there! 😃
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Hanwell Fields Community Centre, Rotary Way,Banbury, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom