Osho, also known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, developed several unique meditation techniques that aim to help individuals achieve a higher state of awareness and inner peace. His meditation methods often involve a combination of active and passive techniques to address both the mind and body. Some popular Osho meditation practices include: Dynamic Meditation: This involves a sequence of breathing, catharsis (emotional release), jumping and shouting, and silence. It`s designed to help release pent-up emotions and energy. Kundalini Meditation: This practice involves shaking, dancing, and stillness to help release physical and emotional blockages and connect with one`s inner energy. Nadabrahma Meditation: Focuses on humming and hand movements to create a harmonious balance between the mind and body. Gibberish Meditation: Involves expressing oneself through nonsensical sounds and words to break free from habitual thought patterns. These techniques are designed to facilitate personal growth and self-awareness by encouraging the release of tension and the exploration of one`s inner self. If you`re interested in trying these practices, it`s often recommended to do so under the guidance of a trained facilitator or in a group setting Enjoy Swiming Pool & Natural beauty Yoga Session Music Therapy Soil Therapy Ice Bath Therapy Unlimited Food Morning Tea, coffee , Cookies Afternoon Lunch Evening Tea, coffee, Cookies Night Light Dinner
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Pleasure Club: Ahmedabad, Bopal-Ghuma Road, Near Shri Krishana Heart Hospital, Ghuma, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380058, India