About this Event
Ornamental & Turf Pesticide Training Class 7-10-2025
Date & Time: Thursday, 07/10/2025, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Training Site: In-person class offered by UF/IFAS Miami-Dade Extension (J. D. Campbell Ag Center)
18710 SW 288th ST, Homestead, FL 33030
Who should attend?
- Employees, who need a pesticide license to use or supervise the use of restricted-use pesticides at any of the following:
- Golf courses; parks; athletic fields; or cemeteries
This training class will grants 4.0 CEUs in Ornamental & Turf; Demo & Research; Ag Tree crop, Private; Soil and Greenhouse Fumigation; Limited Lawn & Ornamental; Limited Landscape Maintenance; Commercial Lawn & Ornamental; and Public Health.
Topics to be covered:
- Insects Affecting Turf & Ornamentals, Insecticides & Other Control Measures for Pest Insects;
- Diseases Affecting Turf & Ornamentals, Fungicides & Other Control Measures for Diseases;
- Nematodes Affecting Turf & Ornamentals, Nematicides & Other Control Measures for Nematodes;
- Weeds & W**d Control in Turf & Ornamentals;
- Methods of Control, including Chemicals; and
- Pesticide Labels for Ornamental & Turf / Lawn & Ornamental Applications.
Study manuals for the exam: You can purchase from UF/IFAS Extension Bookstore through online purchase: SM 7 – Ornamental & Turf Pest Control (Cost $28 plus tax and shipping fee) and SM 1 - Applying Pesticides Correctly (Cost $28.00 plus tax and shipping fee). These books must be picked up in person and paid for with either a check or a money order payable to: Miami-Dade Extension Program Account. NOTE: We highly recommend reading the study material before you take the class or exam. The failure rate is very high. Registration for the class can be done by either mail/in person or through the website. Please use the form at the bottom of this page for mail in or in person.
You must register and schedule your exam, follow the safety guideline and bring an official photo ID to take the exam. If you are attending for CEUs, please bring your license number and an official photo ID. Bring a pen or pencil so you can take notes. This is a closed book exam.
The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Employment Opportunity – Affirmative Action Employer authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, color, sex, age, handicap or national origin. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A. & M. University Cooperative Extension Program and Boards of County Commissioners Cooperating. For sign language interpreters or materials in accessible format or other ADA Accommodations please call (305) 248-3311 ext. 240 at least five days in advance.
Event Venue
UF/IFAS Extension Miami-Dade County, 18710 SW 288th ST, Homestead, United States
USD 33.85 to USD 44.52