Opening Ceremony in Auradalen

Sat, 15 Mar, 2025 at 05:30 pm UTC+01:00

Gundslevvej 3, 2730 Herlev Municipality, Denmark | Herlev

Opening Ceremony in Auradalen Dear friend,
Auradalen has not been hosting any events lately due to the winter season and our lack on “indoor get-together-space”.
So in order to change that -and after a while of reorganizing, shaping and decorating, we at Auradalen would like to invite you to our “opening ceremony” of our new space in our cozy annex where we -all year round- can host anything from gatherings and ceremonies over yoga classes and dancing events to talks and sound journeys.
This evening we will give a short presentation of “The Auradalen Mo(ve)ment” before the ceremony starts.. but in short;
We, as a “donation based non-profit organization” want to host a range of events, that we see as (coming from) ‘being the change’ we love to see in the world.. where we’d like to host anybody (we find relevant) expressing the same change/being.
Auradalen has no “costumers”, we have guests -and the only way to become a guest, is by being invited by someone who has been here before. We believe in the thread of connection and that lovely people hang out with lovely people.
Nobody here is expected to pay anything but attention -and to simply reflect over how the present is appreciated.
Anybody is welcome to reach out and ask to host an event with us.
The donations will be shared and Auradalen’s share will go to cover expenses, while surplus goes into growing the place (could for example be a sauna and cold plunge for future events etc).
Whatever is received by Auradalen is (non-personal-profit) invested back into Auradalen.
Most of our events will be “public”, but some special events (like this one) with special attributes, like for example plant medicine, are only for those being invited by us or specially introduced by someone who has been to Auradalen -just send us a message telling us who you want to bring.
More about “our kind of business model” and the platform of Auradalen will be explained before the ceremony begins.

Its the last full moon before spring equinox. A time for new beginnings.
To those who want to share a meal with us before the ceremony are welcome here at 17.30
Please bring some fruit and lets share a light meal.
If you prefer to stay fasting or to eat at home, please be here no later than 19:00.
We recommend not eating too heavy nor processed before going into the ceremony. We invite you to keep it light and simple.
After a short introduction of Auradalen and a shared vision for this platform, we will serve a cup of our special magiC CaCao (ceremonial Cacao, some Cubensis and a little Cannabis) giving a very special and unique vibe. We will give a more detailed introduction to this potion on the day.
All C’s are prepared individually and can therefore be added or omitted as you feel.
The ceremonial space is decorated, lit up and furnished so you can either chill in, chill out or let yourself be danced.
The music will more of tribal mellow medicina vibes kind of a thing, but will change over the course of the night.
Later on we will serve some fruits.
In order to have enough space while keeping it cozy; We want to keep this event below 25 people, so we will limit the number of people (excluding us) to be invited to 22 -across all platforms.
We might reach that number -and while knowing how “uncommitting” these facebook-events have become (and that somebody not showing up despite ‘attending’ on Facebook may prevent another from coming, we ask for a deposit of 100kr via mobile pay (40582358), that is returned to you when you come.
-If you dont have MobilePay, reach out and we will work it out.

Event Venue

Gundslevvej 3, 2730 Herlev Municipality, Denmark, Gundslevvej 3, 2730 Herlev, Danmark,Herlev Municipality, Herlev, Denmark

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