About this Event
To reserve your spot, an Eventbrite ticket is required.
to let other people know you're attending, to be able to participate in the event chat, and have opportunities to connect with other attendees you may meet at the event. Bloom RSVP does not reserve you a spot at the potluck.
Come gather and share stories and experiences of non-monogamy, relationships, and community; Whether you're simply curious, attending to support a friend/partner, or if you are actively practicing some form of non-monogamy. Experience with non monogamy is not required to attend.
We welcome all to attend: straight, curious, and LGBTQIA+
The organizer of this community values consent, honesty, authenticity, vulnerability, kindness, and accountability. Communication is a critical element of all connections, so we're here to practice connecting in our safer space we've cultivated. We hope that you feel welcome and at home here.
Please read the entire event description including all of the community guidelines below before attending your first event.
This event will have capacity for 20 attendees.
An eventbrite ticket is required for each attendee.
Attendees are advised to get tickets early to hold a spot. You may request to cancel or refund your ticket for any reason if your plans change. If there are no tickets left, you are encouraged to get on the waitlist in case any tickets are released.
See the NOTAFLOF ticket policy at the end if the cost of a ticket would keep you from attending.
This event is being hosted at a private residence near Creekside park. See eventbrite ticket confirmation email for address.
Save the address to your calender, do not share the address without permission from a host. Direct all address requests to Rose
Rose & Gem
Two story home. Stairs to get to upstairs break out rooms.
There is an 18 pound dog named Ducky at this venue, if you have allergies please medicate accordingly. Do not bring other pets. If you have a service animal, ask Rose. Ducky usually stays upstairs when there is company. If you're the first to show up, she will likely bark when she hears you enter. Otherwise, she is chill, and will either be hiding in Gem's bedroom, or fluttering her tail at you in the hopes that you’ll pet her. Please do not pick her up, she doesn't like that. Do not feed her.
If this is your first event, arriving on time is essential so you can attend opening circle. If you will be late to your first time attending and miss opening circle, we prefer you reschedule for a future visit. If you will be late and this is not your first time attending, let a host or other attendees know so that we can expect you later.
7:00pm - 8:00pm: Socializing and Potluck Food Time
8:00pm - 8:15pm Opening Circle - Rules, Topic
8:15pm - 9:15pm: Small group discussion time - Break into small groups to share thoughts on the topic or choose your own.
9:15pm (ish) - 9:30pm (ish): Bio break, regather, and finish with Closing Circle - Share your thoughts and experiences with the larger group.
9:30(ish) til 10:00pm: Freestyle socializing
TBA - Taking suggestions. I would LOVE to have ideas and input from attendees. Send topic ideas to [email protected] with subject "Potluck Discussion Topic Ideas" or something like that. It can be as little as a one sentence topic idea, or you can come up with questions and prompts as well.
This is a dinnertime potluck event, so bring food/drinks to share. Plan on bringing your leftover potluck food home with you at the end of the event, or hand it off to someone who wants to take it.
Potluck sign up CLICK HERE (link will be posted closer to the week of the event - if i haven't posted it ask Rose in the chat!)
Your potluck contribution can be home cooked or take out. All options are much preferred to 5 different types of chips and dip, so please check the potluck sign up before grabbing your food. If you want a challenge, there are usually people attending who would appreciate some Gluten Free or Low Sugar foods. Wholesome filling foods are always a hit.
Please park on the street and walk in. You should be able to find easy street parking within 100 feet of the entrance to the complex.
DO NOT park in my driveway. It is a fire road and you risk being fined/towed.
You may briefly squat in the driveway in order to drop off / pick up as needed.
Drinking and smoking are not the focus of the event. Alcohol and smoking in moderation is fine, within your consent ability. No cigarettes, the smell makes both hosts feel physically ill. A person may vape in my backyard, with the sliding door closed, with the consent of others in the area. No vaping indoors. Cannabis can be smoked at the street/sidewalk, not inside or in the back yard. No other drugs at this event.
- Everything shared in this group should be treated as confidential and private.
- Do not share stories that are not yours and name other individuals without their permission.
- Do not greet people outside of this group in a manner that would out them.
- Be aware of your audience, which is a mix of brand new and exploring, vanilla, and spicy community members
- Explicit sharing of sex, kink, or BDSM stories should be reserved for private spaces where everyone present has consented to discussing the topic.
- Hugging, kissing, and cuddling may happen at this event, between consenting adults.
- Do not assume that what someone does with others is wanted with you.
- Always ask before entering someone's personal space.
- A clear yes is a yes, anything less is a no. This includes a lack of response, a maybe, or a No. If you receive any form of no, respond gracefully and move on.
- A No does not need to be defended or explained.
- No Hard cruising - Flirting with everyone of a certain type, asking for contact info or a date right away without mutual interest—that's a big no. Don't be pushy, that energy isn't welcome here.
If you have the bandwidth to do so, you are invited to hold space for each other, including yourself. Holding space means letting people share their truth, exist in their current state of emotional, mental, or physical being without a mask, without assumptions, without judgment or unwanted advice. When you are holding space, there is no fixing that needs to happen. All that is needed is to be present for the experience and expression of what they are going through.
If you want to avoid Eventbrite fees, or pay a different amount than the default ticket price, instead choose a donation ticket and enter the amount of your choosing. All donations go directly to Rose without any fees taken from Eventbrite.
No One is Turned Away For Lack Of Funds. If the price of a ticket would keep you from attending for any reason (including "I don't want to pay for a ticket today" you are encouraged to use the "FREE" promo code and the ticket price will be $0. No questions asked.
#Nonmonogamy #Non-Monogamy #Polyamory #OpenRelationship #EthicalNonMonogamy #AlternativeLifestyle
Event Venue
Private Residence, Mountain View, United States
USD 0.00 to USD 12.51