We are happy to announce that venerable Norbu Tsering Rinpoche will visit our gompa again. Our main programme will focus on Tukdrub Terkha Dündü, The Collected Seven Treasures Guru Sadhana, an elaborate Guru yoga practice revealed and compiled by Dudjom Rinpoche at the request of Yeshe Tsogyal.Scheule:
Friday: Introduction and Empowerment (afternoon)
Saturday: Explanation of practice, Lungs, Q&A, Practice together
Sunday: Practice of Sang, Tukdrub Terkha Dündü with tsog
Monday: Rinpoche will be available for meetings and clarifying doubts about your personal practices.
Place of seminar: Nangsel Ling Gompa, Borovianska 27, Zvolen, Slovakia
Seminar fees: 80€ (doesn´t include texts and dana for teacher)
Registration: only via email [email protected]
Registration will be valid after paying of IRREVERSIBLE deposit of 50€ (or full tax). Payment details will be send as an answer of registration email to you.
http://www.penzionclub.sk/ (cca 5min walking distance from gompa). Or try to google accomodation in Zvolen.
Texts needed during teachings:
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Borovianska 27, 960 01 Zvolen, Slovenská Republika, Zvolen, Slovakia