Register on TourneyX Today!!! https://tourneyx.com/leaderboard/standings/no-limit-big-bass-power-hour-presented-by-native-watercraft-michigan
The No Limit Big Bass Power Hour Kayak Fishing Tournament featuring the Big Bass Power Hour presented by Native Watercraft will pay out $1000*** every hour for the longest bass caught of that hour during the 8-hour competition! In parallel to the Big Bass Power Hour this will also be a NO LIMIT event by submitting any amount of bass you catch with a minimum length of 14” to the leaderboard throughout the day. The No Limit standings will be tallied at the end of the day, based on total inches of accepted fish submissions.
Tournament Location and Date
Saginaw Bay - June 18th
Saginaw Bay Specifics:
Tourney Day Timeline
Pre-fishing ends 7pm on 6/17 and you must be off the water at this time
6:30am - Earliest Launch - You may Leave the Launch Area to head to your fishing spot
Check In on the Tourney X App
7:00 Am - First Cast Allowed/Lines In
2:00 PM - Leaderboard Goes Dark
3:00:00 PM - Lines out
3:30:00 PM - Last Allowable time fish can be submitted to the leaderboard
upon getting off the water for the day Check Out in the Tourney X App
4:30-5:00 - In Person Mandatory Check In Bay City State Park - Address 3582 State Park Drive, Bay City Michigan 48706 Specific Pavillion TBD
5:30 PM Awards
Public Access points only
Main Lake - Imaginary Line from Caseville Pierheads to Tawas City Point. You may not go out further into lake Huron
Surrounding Rivers of Saginaw Bay:
Main Boundaries may not go further Up river than: I75, US23 North Side or US25 South Side.
Specific River Boundaries:
Quanicassee River Cut Off - Russell Rd
Saginaw River Cutoff - I75B/Mckinley St Bridge
Caseville River Section Cutoff - Kinde Rd Bridge
Sebewang River Cutoff - Lange Rd
Any public access point is acceptable to launch within boundaries.
Payout Structure and entry fees: The Entry fee is $100. All fees are paid on PayPal as you register through the Tourney X Pro App. Payouts are done via PayPal within 24 hours of the official results announcement. If you earn over $599 you will need to fill out a W9 before payment. If you earn over $599 you will be sent a 1099 at the end of the season.
You must be present at CHECK OUT/WEIGH IN to be eligible for points, prizes, or payment, unless an emergency comes up, or stated prior to the event. (This will be determined by the Director.)
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Bay City Mi, Au Gres, United States