Nishant Tanwar is the Delhi boy with `halka halka swag` also known as Rider OP from online reaction videos. One of the only stand-up comedians in the country, to have two standup videos trending at #1 nationwide, Nishant`s unique, universal style of storytelling & humour made him a force to reckon with in the circuit. Now, with two Amazon stand-up specials under his belt, Nishant has managed to tour & perform to packed houses across 14 countries, including the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore & Netherlands and many more.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
The Laugh Store: DLF Cyberhub, Gurugram, Shop No 4D, Ground Floor, Tower 8 C, DLF Cyber City, DLF Phase 2, Sector 24, Gurugram (Gurgaon), NCR 122002, India, New Delhi
INR 499