Ticket Prices
Single $750
Double $650 (per person)
Triple $550 (per person)
Package Includes:
➢ Basic Tour Includes: 2 days / 2 nights in Niagara Falls, NY
➢ Round trip transportation from Summersville, Flatwoods, Clarksburg or Morgantown WV, on motor coach with a bathroom, WIFI and electrical outlets.
➢ 2 Night lodging at Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino
➢ Luggage handling & Resort Fees
➢ 2 Buffet Breakfast
➢ $40 meal credit
➢ $100 Free Slot Play (Ages 21 & older)
➢ Cost of Trolley at Niagara Falls (2 tickets per person)
➢ The Maid of the Mist Boat Tour – June 17th
For more information about this adventure or others, go to www.isabellatravelwv.com
Event Venue
Niagara falls N.Y, Tonawanda , New York, United States