Join us in celebrating the Neon exhibition in slq Gallery with a curated selection of iconic cult neon centric films screening at State Library each month throughout the exhibition duration."Brian Trenchard-Smith’s dystopian film set at a drive-in cinema cum concentration camp was one of Ozploitation’s most compelling productions.
The Ozploitation movement of the 70s and 80s largely comprised fast, trashy and loud movies – unambiguous affairs relegated to the realms of low-brow entertainment. Few attempted (or are remembered for) ambitious intellectual ideas. Director Brian Trenchard-Smith’s 1986 science fiction oddity Dead End Drive-In, one of Ozploitation’s most interesting productions, is a rare exception." (Luke Buckmaster, Film Critic)
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Cnr Peel & Stanley Sts, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, Queensland 4101, 4 Peel St, South Brisbane QLD 4101, Australia,Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, South Brisbane