National Poetry Day: Poems of the Dispossessed

Thu Oct 03 2024 at 05:30 pm to 06:30 pm

National Library of Scotland | Edinburgh

National Library of Scotland
Publisher/HostNational Library of Scotland
National Poetry Day: Poems of the Dispossessed
On National Poetry Day join us for a moving presentation of spoken word, film and music.
About this Event

Join internationally acclaimed poet Anton Floyd as he shares excerpts from his new collection, ‘Depositions: Poems of the Dispossessed’. The colection of poetry explores themes of exile, love, and loss.

This event marks the publication of new special illustrated edition translated in the Celtic languages of Britain and Ireland: Gaelic, Irish, Welsh, and Scots. Featuring poet, singer, and translator Marcas Mac an Tuairneir, this event will be conducted in both English and Gaelic, with additional readings in Irish, Welsh, and Scots.

Cumaidh am bàrd le cliù eadar-nàiseanta Anton Floyd earrannan is sgeulachdan bhon cho-chruinneachadh aibhseach aige Teisteanasan – Dàin nan Easbhaidheach.

Air a ghrinn-dhealbhachadh, ’s cinnteach gun toir an t-eagran ùr Ceilteach seo cnuasachadh bannan domhain, a nì ar n-aonadh uile, air an leughadair, a’ brosnachadh tuigse de na tha am measg nan dùbhlain as motha romhainn, ri ar linn. Chìthear am bàrd, seinneadair is eadar-theangair Marcas Mac an Tuairneir aig an tachartas Ghàidhlig is Bheurla seo cuideachd, a bheir a-staigh leughaidhean ann an Gàidhlig na h-Èireann, Cuimris agus Beurla Ghallta.

About the speakers

Anton Floyd is a renowned poet known for his powerful and evocative verse. His collection addresses themes of displacement and identity.

Marcas Mac an Tuairneir is a poet, singer, and translator celebrated for his contributions to contemporary Gaelic literature and music.

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Event Venue & Nearby Stays

National Library of Scotland, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, United Kingdom


GBP 0.00

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