Anime fans rejoice as NARUTO: The Symphonic Experience comes to Ruth Eckerd Hall! For the first time ever, audiences will get their chance to see an original, unforgettable two-hour feature film (shown with subtitles) meticulously created by Julien Vallespi and Quentin Benayoun from the first 220 original episodes of the beloved Naruto animated series that is currently celebrating the 20th anniversary of its original TV anime adaptation. The orchestra will perform the most iconic songs and themes from the series, live-to-picture, as scenes are projected on a full-size, HD cinema screen."We invite NARUTO fans to celebrate NARUTO with this unique, live-to-picture experience. We created a two-hour film enhanced with a live, symphonic orchestra because the soundtrack plays such a huge role in the anime’s success and is praised by the legions of fans time and time again,” says producer Julien Vallespi. “The original score, composed by Toshio Masuda is a perfect blend between pop and rock arrangements as well as traditional Japanese instruments like the Shakuhachi and Shamisen. Don't miss NARUTO: The Symphonic Experience ONLY at Ruth Eckerd Hall!
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
1111 N McMullen Booth Rd, Clearwater, FL, United States, Florida 33759