"My Favourite Cake" is a heartwarming and quietly radical Iranian romantic comedy directed by Behtash Sanaeeha and Maryam Moghaddam. Set in Tehran, the film follows Mahin, a 70-year-old widow whose quiet life takes a surprising turn when she meets Faramarz, a former lieutenant turned taxi driver. Their connection blossoms into an unexpected romance, challenging societal norms in a conservative society.Mahin’s defiance of the morality police and her pursuit of love highlight themes of freedom and resistance in everyday life. Their tender moments together—sharing wine, dancing, and evading watchful neighbors—become acts of rebellion in a culture where such relationships are forbidden. Poignant and uplifting, "My Favourite Cake" explores love, aging, and the enduring human spirit in the face of oppression.
This special screening in Mildura is a rare chance to experience this internationally acclaimed film, which has won accolades like the FIPRESCI Prize at the Berlin International Film Festival.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
93 Deakin Ave, Mildura, VIC, Australia, Victoria 3500