About this Event
Before the genocide ramped up, Mohamed was living a simple life farming sheep with olive trees in his village. Now his life is shattered and he lives displaced in a camp with nearby bombing, often freezing cold and starving, longing for his life before while struggling to support a family. Your entry fee to this event is a donation to his campaign to evacuate Gaza.
Two amazing artists will play for us.
Amateur Crastinator is an Autistic, multiply-disabled producer who is currently based out of California. He draws inspiration from hip-hop, 80's popular culture, and 90's alternative rock for his unique, if not eclectic, style of electronica fused with live studio recording.
"Architect of Truth" is about navigating midlife. It explores reconciling with one's past, transcending limitations, and embracing lack. “Failing again, failing better,” as Beckett says. Originally titled "Being Twisted / Thinking Whizkid," the album reflects on the struggle of being a divided subject between the body's physical constraints, especially due to chronic back issues, and the seemingly unbounded nature of the mind. As an Egyptian composer living in the United States, Robert Beshara is deeply passionate about producing music, for the aesthetic experience of sonic jouissance heals and sublimates one’s suffering and pain, leaving sonic traces that mark the traumatic Real. He resonates with Frank Zappa's sentiment that “music is the best,” for the musical act transcends the limitations of the body, becoming a conduit for translating ideas and affects into the material form of sonic sculptures that evoke desire in listeners.
We are excited to enjoy each other's company with some great tunes as we rally to get Mohamed and his family the lifesaving help they ned.

Event Venue
USD 12.51