Green Shoots Moora!Building on the success of last year’s “Green Shoots: Narrogin Haybales” concert, the Moora 2025 Green Shoots Concert promises to be a spectacular event in a venue that reflects the unique charm of the area.
This concert will feature a diverse lineup of regional musicians performing alongside the talented professionals of the Perth Symphony Orchestra.
Green Shoots is a year-long, innovative initiative that brings together a wide array of community members and surrounding areas through volunteering, logistics, planning, and performance. Throughout 2024, Perth Symphony will offer professional guidance and mentoring to local participants. Community music groups will be formed, with ongoing training provided up until the grand finale performance in March 2025.
Green Shoots aims to foster a sustainable culture of participatory music within the community, recognise and nurture local talent, build community pride, promote positive mental health outcomes, and celebrate the beauty of our regions and the people within them.
Join us on our journey with Green Shoots Moora, from now until March 2025, and be part of something truly special.
Tickets available on 21 Feb!
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
8523 Bindoon-Moora Rd, Moora WA 6510, Australia, 8149 Bindoon-Moora Rd, Moora WA 6510, Australia,Moora, Western Australia, Joondalup