“Moods of Mukesh” is a captivating musical show celebrating the legendary playback singer Mukesh Chand Mathur, renowned as the “Man with the Golden Voice.” This enchanting evening brings to life Mukesh’s timeless music, featuring his soulful songs that have touched hearts for decades. The show features Mukhtar Shah, acclaimed for his ability to perform Mukesh’s songs with incredible authenticity. His renditions of classics will transport you back to the golden era of Bollywood. Shah's performances are heartfelt and true to Mukesh’s original style. Joining Shah is Mona Kamat, whose versatile voice adds a fresh touch to the evening. Her performances of classic duets and solo numbers bring a new dimension to Mukesh's beloved songs. The music for this special event is arranged by the talented Sagar Temghare, whose expert orchestration ensures each note resonates with the essence of Mukesh’s originals. The performance is enriched by the presence of nine renowned musicians, whose skillful contributions bring depth and vibrancy to the show. Hosted by RJ Amit, the evening is further enhanced with engaging commentary and stories about Mukesh’s illustrious career, making it a truly immersive experience.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Prabodhankar Thackeray Audi: Borivali(W), Near Chamunda Circle, Sodawala Lane, Borivali (W), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400092, India