Entry Form:
First Annual Miss Monarch Benefit Pageant
Saturday, April 12, 2025
Parklawn-Wood Funeral Home
2551 N. Armistead Ave.
Hampton, VA 23666
Doors Open at 8:00am for contestants to set up in the dressing room
Registration at 9:00
Pageant Starts - 10:30
Join us for our inaugural Miss Monarch Benefit Pageant! This will be a wonderful day of fun, fair, and friendly pageantry with the mission to raise money for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) in honor of Shelby’s aunt, Pam Ross. She was a pageant auntie to so many of us and was the biggest cheerleader for everyone. After Pam died by suicide in 2018, our family has found many ways to honor the light she brought into so many people’s lives. Miss Monarch is one way we want to both honor her and help those who struggle as she did. The monarch butterfly symbolizes hope for those with mental health issues. By supporting AFSP, we will see both hope and valuable resources go out to those who need it.
Areas of Competition:
Mandatory Events:
Gown - Baby to Toddler Miss wear short gowns only. Little and Junior Preteen Miss may wear either a short or long gown. Preteen to Classic Ms wear long gowns only. Preteen Miss and under cannot wear strapless gowns or have a slit in the gown. Junior Teen Miss and up are permitted to have gowns that are strapless and with slits. Choose a gown that makes you feel beautiful and confident. There will be a group lineup after all the contestants have gone on stage for their individual modeling in gown.
Greenwear - Green represents mental health awareness. The outfit for this mandatory event can be any shade of green. It can be an off-the-rack outfit or fun fashion outfit. Make sure the outfit fits well, reflects your personality and style, and is not a swimsuit.
Optional Events:
Outfit of Choice - Whether it’s a fun fashion, swimwear, or casualwear (no costumes), this is a great chance to show off your style and personality while getting great feedback from our judges as you prepare for future pageants.
Photogenic - Photos can be an 8x10 or 8.5x11 headshot in either color or black and white. We are looking for personality, clarity, composition, and overall appeal of the photo. No print model photos. Make sure it is head and shoulders only. We will have sleeves for the photos when you turn them in at registration.
Side Awards - Best Smile, Best Dressed and Best Personality will be awarded in each age division.
Outstanding Miss Monarch - this is the contestant who has the highest score from their two mandatory events and one optional of the whole pageant. She will win a crown, sash, trophy, and gift.
Young Miss Monarch - the contestant from the 0-12 age divisions with the highest combined score from their mandatory events and one optional. She will win a crown, sash, trophy, and gift.
Senior Miss Monarch - the contestant from the 13 and up age divisions with the highest combined score from their mandatory events and one optional. She will win a crown, sash, trophy, and gift.
Miss Monarch Congeniality - The contestant voted on by the judges and staff as being the contestant who cheers for everyone, is helpful, encouraging and having a great time on stage. She will win a crown, sash, trophy, and gift.
Miss Monarch Mental Health Warrior - This title goes to the contestant who raises the most money for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Have a bake sale, receive donations, no matter how you raise it, we will donate it to AFSP. Money raised is to be sent in along with other fees for the pageant. She will win a crown, sash, trophy, and gift.
Age Division Queens - One contestant from each age division with the highest combined score in the mandatory categories will be our age division queens. She will receive a crown, sash, trophy, and gift. All Runners Up will receive a tiara, trophy, and gift.
1. All contestants will follow a Front T modeling pattern. If you are looking at the stage, you will enter from the left and exit to the right.
2. Moms are allowed on stage with their child in Baby and Toddler Miss divisions. Little Miss and up will model alone on stage. If you need to direct your contestant, please do so, but do not get close to the judge’s table.
3. You may video or take photos of your child on stage, but be respectful of those around you and do not approach the judge’s table.
4. A group picture will be taken after awards, please make sure to stay!
5. There will only be a group lineup in the Gown competition.
6. We will start with HokieWear, followed by Outfit of Choice, and Gown will be the final competition. Please stay in your Gowns for awards.
7. We will award the Highpoint Queens first, then Age Division Queens. Mental Health Warrior and Miss Congeniality are awarded last. Please do not leave until all awards are given. You may win an award at the end.
8. There will be no displays of poor sportsmanship WHATSOEVER at this pageant. This is a benefit pageant. You are here to have fun, make friends, raise some money and have a healthy competition. If you display any type of bad sportsmanship, you will be asked to leave and forfeit any entry fees, titles or door entry money.
9. Doors will open at 8am for contestants to get to the dressing room. Registration is at 9am to 10 am, pageant will start at 10:30. We hope to be done by 2pm.
10. Everyone who is not the contestant and the one chaperone will have to pay for a door ticket. Children 3 and under get in free. Little ones, if they have a toy or Ipad like item they will be playing with, please make sure the volume is off or very, very low. Cell phones on mute please. We want this to be the best event for all of our contestants.
11. Scores and photos can be picked up after the pageant. We have a well qualified group of judges who will be instructed to be fair and consistent in their judging, as well as offer comments if they take points off. We will give them time to do this. Remember, this is one group of judges, and we expect you as well as the judges to be polite.
Note on the Venue: Parklawn Funeral Home has a beautiful large space with an event room and a large reception room that will be used as a dressing room. There will be plenty of tables and chairs for the contestants (bring your own clothes racks). We expect all attendees to respect this space. This is Miss Penny’s workplace, and they have graciously offered this space to us at no charge so that more money can be donated to AFSP. Please respect this space as you would any other special or sacred place. No drinks, food, trash, dirty diapers, etc. put anywhere other than the provided trash cans. There will be NO food or drink allowed in any area except the dressing room. You may not take any of these past the reception doors or into the event area.
All paperwork and mandatory fees must be paid by the deadline of March 28…no exceptions! We want to make sure we have enough gifts and awards for all our contestants, and we want registration to run smoothly. No mandatory fees will be accepted after the deadline. You may continue to receive donations for Miss Mental Health Warrior up until Registration.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Parklawn-Wood Funeral Home / Parklawn Memorial Park, 2551 N Armistead Ave, Hampton, VA 23666-1505, United States,Hampton, Virginia