About this Event
(review "the Bigger Picture)
“….If the Mind, and Creativity were currency, Genius and abundant wealth would be commonplace….”
As you read this, I want you to remember this day, as one of life’s rare opportunities to significantly impact the direction you are taking. You will contemplate the cost, of how much you will need to invest for this information, but it will be a fraction of what you will gain, should you be serious enough about your Mind.
Mind ReMapping is a Global Positioning System of the Mind, as a Cognitive Positioning System mapped inside Time.
“And from the creative soils of the Mind, doeth the fruit of our ideas, surface as manifestations in the 3rd Dimension”
GPS orientate locations within 3 Dimensions, to unique references in latitude, longitude, and altitude.
In addition to the 3 axes of reference required for GPS, Mind ReMapping navigation includes the reference for Spherititude.
Spherititude, denotes Spherical in its direction and is a 4th axis of reference, which maps locations within 4 Dimensions of TIME.
Navigating the 4th Dimension will index physical locations as extraction points, to expand spheres of Time, which as they expand in their depth, also increase in knowledge to particular outcomes of significant intent.
Within each expansion of Time are unique positions of interest within fields of ambition, that have a Time index which though fixed, are relative to expansions or constrictions of Spherical Time.
Each referenced location, ideal to cognitive behaviour, has carrier signals with matching frequencies that can be manifested to an equally ideal physical outcome, which will be mirrored at their probable locations in the 3rd Dimension.
The interview, the presentation, or the relationship, their required fortitude, will be waiting for you.
This is called “Phase Matching”.
Phase matching is when the probability of ideal outcomes located in the 3rd Dimension, are matched to frequencies in the 4th Dimension that locates, and maps, eventually bridging Time between both Dimensions.
This is the process of Thinking and Creativity.
The only faculty which is continuously ReMapping spheres of Time as they expand, and too, capable of Phase Matching, between both Dimensions of Time, whilst monitoring physical plains as they constantly change, is the Mind.
Your Mind is a Distortion Field of Time, and thus, it creates Reality through “Modulations”.
The distortion field of the Mind, measures Emotions in metrics of perception, influencing Thinking and Creativity, that will either map or will be mapped by expanses of the 4th Dimension.
Emotions compare an IMAGINATION of the FUTURE, against PAST REALITIES, where both prospects in Time, compete to dominate a PRESENT which is yet to arrive at specified locations.
The Present, is a Contact Point in Time.
The Past, was, and the Future, maybe…….
I will show you in simple formats that your Future, your Present, and Past, are all one permanence, and how to navigate their conflicts to dominate Time into one harmonious prospect of desirable possibilities.
Illustrated above are some of the Meta Coding tools to navigate the 4th Dimension. The images are 2 Dimensional but my workshop is the 4th Dimension of Creative Guidance.
Creative Guidance is designed to evoke ideal TimeFrames of your Imagination, where you can learn once acquiring altitudes of knowledge, how and why to manifest ideal situations out of Time.
If you would like to commence ReMappping Genius, please get in touch or register.
Genius is not only a place but positions you find in TIME, and every morning, you will jump out of bed unafraid of life, with more than the freedoms of a millionaire.
You can also share, with my gratitude, Mind ReMapping with everyone, you feel may benefit from learning about the Mind.
Package Options:
The Elusive MiND & the Gates of Creativity.(introduction & orientation)
MIND Inversion. (includes membership)
Meta Coding. (includes membership, consultation & a copy of my Book)
Also, review the website forexcerpts of its philosophy.
Kindest Regards.
Mind ReMapping.
N.B. ALL EVENTS ARE ONLINE (please note: a waiting list may be applied for selected dates)
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Frankfurt, Germany
GBP 0.00 to GBP 44.99