About this Event
💕 Special close & cozy-embrace Milonga de Mis Amores 💕
role-balanced. traditional milonguero-style seating. all are welcome. by pre-registration.
Milonga de Mis Amores w/ DJ Vincent Lam (Vancouver, B.C.)
Friday, January 31st
7:45pm ~ doors open
8:00pm-11:00pm ~ milonga
Ballard Oddfellows Hall
1706 NW Market St
Seattle, WA 98107
Lead, follow & 50/50 dancer tickets. Golden Age music. Los códigos milongueros.
$15 Early Bird (limited!)*
$20 Regular*
*options to pay directly and avoid fees: PayPal, Venmo ~ please see FAQs below
$25 At-the-Door**
**cash, check, card, Venmo
🎭 Milonguero-style seating: Leads and Follows seated in separate sections. We will have a small section for couples who would like to sit together (advanced notice to the organizer appreciated) and 50/50 dancers so that they have easy access to either side of the room.
🥂 Wine & bubbles and light hors d'oeuvres served. Want to bring a bottle of wine or appetizer to add to the spread? Yes, please & thank you!
To ensure a safe and successful event, we highlight these essential códigos for each dancer to review:
• El Cabeceo ~ Invitations to dance are initiated through eye contact from a comfortable distance. Leads will be seated on side, follows on the other. Verbal invitations or inching close to steal someone's gaze is inappropriate.
• El Abrazo ~ Stay connected with your partner by maintaining a close-embrace. Keep your feet near the floor to ensure a safe dance floor. Save your high boleos and other large, open movements for another venue.
• La Cortina ~ Cortinas are used to clear the dance floor between tandas. All dancers should return to their seats to help create an uninhibited line of sight across the room. Refrain from initiating the cabeceo during the cortina. Instead, take a moment to relax in your seat, listen to the opening notes of the next tanda, and choose your partner accordingly.
• La Ronda de La Pista ~ Respect the line of dance and be aware of the dancers around you. Before entering the floor, make eye-contact with the leader you wish to enter in front of. Keep the ronda moving forward by closing gaps between the dancers in front of you. Stay in your lane and avoid passing other couples or crisscrossing around the floor.
* Los Códigos borrowed from Amy Allison's Milonga Abrazos.
Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?
No need to print your ticket; once you register you'll be on the list!
Can I pay offline?
Yes! We have 4 options for you.
Please check if there are Early Bird tickets available -- if not, please send the full $20.
1) Pay in cash if you can catch Gabriela out at a milonga.
2) Pay via PayPal to "[email protected]" (make sure to select 'friends' option to avoid fees)
3) Pay via Venmo at venmo.com/GabrielaCondrea or @gabrielacondrea (last 4 digits: 3239, make sure to not select 'business' or a fee will need to be assessed)
4) Mail a check payable to "Tango is About the Connection" to P.O. Box 55082, Shoreline WA 98155. Your spot is secured once check has arrived. Please allow ample time for your check to be processed, postmarked by January 24, 2025 (space allowing).
*** Please email [email protected] to confirm registration, including your full name(s) and role(s) you are registering for. This way, we can reserve your ticket(s).
Street parking.
Entry Instructions
Please ring the doorbell marked "Main" and someone will open the door for you. If you have trouble, call 206-778-3239.
What is the refund policy?
No refunds. However, tickets are transferrable to someone who will dance the same role (follow, lead or 50/50 dancer) as the original registration. Contact [email protected] with details no later than January 28, 2025.
How can I contact the organizer with any questions?
Contact 206-778-3239 or [email protected] with any questions.
Invitation photo from Milonga de Mis Amores by Adrienne Yvr, April 26, 2024, Ballard Oddfellows Hall.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Ballard Oddfellows Hall, 1706 Northwest Market Street, Seattle, United States