This shorts program of the celebrated work of Deren is a collection of innovative films that delve into dream imagery and nonlinear narrative. Included are the films Meshes of the Afternoon (1943, 14m), At Land (1944, 15m), The Very Eye of Night (1955, 15m), and Ritual in Transfigured Time (1946, 15m). Meshes is one of the cornerstones of avant-garde cinema and is ranked as the sixteenth best film of all time by the BFI. All films with live accompaniment by Ten Thousand Lakes.FRI/SAT 7:00 SUN 3:00 5:00 $12
(1943–55, 59m) dir Maya Deren.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Trylon Cinema, 2820 E 33rd St.,Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States