Matinée Show: Rebet Asker-Greek Roots Series

Sun, 09 Feb, 2025 at 02:15 pm

Green Note | London

Rebet Asker London - Live Greek Music
Publisher/HostRebet Asker London - Live Greek Music
Matin\u00e9e Show: Rebet Asker-Greek Roots Series £ 0.00 - £8.00 / Age All Ages - FREE up to and including 6 years old

NB. Seating operates on a first come first serve basis. Please be prepared to stand (or lean against the bar!) if all seats are taken by the time you arrive.

Greek Roots Series: Rural Folk Anthology
This project brings together rural folk music from many corners of Greece and the near surrounding areas of the Mediterranean Basin. Musical themes that we call "paradosiaki" traditional Greek folk music. We also bring in some urban folk sounds, what is known as Rebetiko music, which are often born out of rural folk tunes.
Though Rebetiko is often considered a unique genre on its own, it shares similar expressive elements with paradosiaki. They utilise related musical scales, modality, and even the same lyrics or musical themes in many cases.
Macroscopically, the main difference is that Rebtiko developed in urban centres, whereas paradosiak developed in rural areas. One could describe them as two sides of the same coin.Culturally, urban folk music was often prohibited and refers to lawless aspects of urban life. It was mainly performed in tekdes, alcohol and shisha shops, where outcasts would attend.
Rural folk music on the other hand focuses on describing natural elements, life, death, and love. Its authorless and enjoyed either in solitude or in intimate and grand festivities. Let the music take you on a journey from the mountains of the Balkan north to mainland Greece, through the islands of the Aegean and across to Asia Minor!

Additional Info:
Rebet Asker-Greek Roots Series:An afternoon of Greek Rebetiko for all the family!Rebet Asker was a restaurant/music venue which saw all the great Greek musicians and from the 20th century through to today pass through it. The walls of this little place in a small side street by Piraeus harbour have witnessed the history of the Greek Rebetiko as it has evolved over the last one hundred years. Some years have passed now, since it closed, but through this series of Sunday gigs we will do our best to recreate some of the magic of these musicians and their songs as it started and developed. Now in its 10th year, this tribute to the magical music of rebetiko, is the longest running series in London dedicated to this music. Come to hear classic songs and even some lesser known gems of great rebetiko musicians such as Toundas, Papazogklou, Skarvelis, Peristeris, Hadjichristos, Vamvakaris, Papaioannou, Tsitsanis, Mitsakis, Hiotis and more!
An afternoon of Greek Rebetiko for all the family!

Event Venue

Green Note, 106 Parkway, London, NW1 7AN, United Kingdom,London, United Kingdom


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