📍Marko Jakše: Blizu … bliže … še bliže
📍7. 2.–15. 3. 2025
Vljudno vabljeni na odprtje samostojne razstave Marka Jakšeta Blizu … bliže … še bliže, ki bo v petek, 7. februarja 2025, ob 19. uri v prostoru za umetnost KiBela.
Par besed temintistim, ki menijo,
da "slikam sanje".
Ne preslikavam sanj.
Ne bi si niti drznila poskusiti,
ker vem, da bi pogrnila ...
Jasno mi je, da kaj bolj norega,
kot so sanje in naša stvarnost,
ne obstaja.
Umetnost je nekje vmes.
Vmesnik med dvema "norostma".
Nobena umetnina,
najsi bo še tako "odbita", "nora",
"odpulena", "fuknena", "izmišljena",
se ne more kosati s "sanjsko in življenjsko norostjo".
Nadvse rada pa družim, kombiniram podobe/figure/like ... verjetno po podobnem ključu, kot to počne nezavedno z vsemi našimi mislimi, pojmi, predstavami, strahovi, željami, vtisi preteklih
dogodkov etc. v naših sanjah. Vedno znova komaj čakam, da me sama slika preseneti ..., ko se "iz nič" (no, definitivno ne iz moje zavesti!) na platnu pred menoj pojavi lik, kar koli, česar nisem pričakovala, o čemer nisem razmišljala ... Moj zavestni del, moj jaz,
kot da nima nič pri tem in je tu le kot opazovalec, in to le zato, da bi se nadejal in čudil ... Dokler se čudi in kdaj blekne: »O, še smo živi, juhej,« tako dolgo, vem, sem še živa.
»Čiv čiv!«
Vaša Maruha
< Marko Jakše: »DOBRODOŠAO NA OKEAN ... DOVOLJNO JE DUBOK DA POTOPI TVOJ SAN ...« Repetitor, olje na platnu, 2023, 200 x 213 cm; foto: DK
📌MMC KIBLA/KiBela, Ulica kneza Koclja 9, Maribor
⏰Odpiralni čas: od ponedeljka do petka od 10. do 18. ure, v soboto od 10. do 14. ure
📍Marko Jakše: Close … Closer … Even Closer
📍7 February–15 March 2025
You are cordially invited to the opening of the solo exhibition Close … Closer … Even Closer by Marko Jakše, which will take place on Friday, 7 February 2025, at 7 p.m. at the KiBela, space for art.
A few words to the so-and-sos who believe
that “I paint dreams”.
I do not paint dreams.
I would not even dare to try
because I know I would fail …
It seems perfectly clear to me
that there is nothing crazier
than dreams and our reality.
Art lies somewhere in between.
An in-between between two spheres of “craziness”.
No work of art –
no matter how “wacky”, “crazy”,
“outlandish”, “offbeat” or “fictional” it may be –
can compete with the “madness of dreams and life”.
But I enjoy bringing images/figures/characters together, combining them … probably following
a similar key as subconsciousness does with all our thoughts, concepts, ideas, fears, desires,
impressions of past events and so on in our dreams. Time and time again I cannot wait for the
painting to surprise me –
when a figure appears on the canvas in front of me or something I was not expecting, something I
was not thinking about, appears “out of nowhere” (well, definitely not from my conscious mind!)
… as if the conscious part of me, my ego,
has nothing to do with it and is only acting as an observer here – just to marvel and wonder …
As long as it wonders and occasionally blurts out: “If we are alive, hooray!”, I know that I am still alive.
“Tweet, tweet!”
Yours sincerely, Maruha
< Marko Jakše: “WELCOME TO THE OCEAN … IT’S DEEP ENOUGH TO SINK YOUR DREAMS” Repetitor, Oil on canvas, 2023, 200 x 213 cm; photo: DK
📌MMC KIBLA/KiBela, Ulica kneza Koclja 9, Maribor
⏰Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Ulica kneza Koclja 9, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia, Ulica kneza Koclja 9, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija,Maribor, Slovenia