''Sent on History of Shri Krishna
After the tyrannical ruler of Mathura Kansa was killed
his father-in-law Jarasandha began attacking Mathura repeatedly. To protect the city from these assaults Madhav (Krishna) made a practical decision to relocate to Saurashtra and establish a new city Dwarka. Childhood memories often took him back to the lanes and forests of Gokul and Vrindavan Along with these sweet memories were also the recollections of Karis`s numerous attempts to K*ll and how he thwarted them.
Radha the epitome of his first eternal and transcendental love and the grand celebration of Maha Raas with the gopis (cowherd maidens).
The spark of rebellion and revolution began with the worship of Govardhan Hill, where Krishna openly challenged the tyrannical king. By accepting Kansa`s deceptive invitation, he killed Kansa and restored Mathura to its former republican state while continuing his education with Sandipani.
While living in Dwarka Madhav who had transformed from the flute-playing Murli Manohar to the wielder of the Sudarshan Chakra helped his cousins the Pandavas reclaim their ancestral kingdom. With the help of the Pandavas, he destroyed his formidable enemy Jarasandha.
When the Pandavas were deceived by the Kauravas Krishna stood firmly by their side and ensured the establishment of righteousness in the decisive battle of Mahabharata leading the Pandavas to victory.
Designed with meticulous intricacy the play enshrines its essence through the portrayal of multiple characters by six female actors augmented by the infusion of indigenous folk arts such as Mayurbhanj Chau Manipur martial arts Thang-Ta and the ancient Indian martial art of Kalaripayattu.ail".
Event Venue
Chaudhari Charan Singh Auditorim, Sahkarita Bhawan PCU, Chaudhari Charan Singh Auditorium, Sahkarita Bhawan, Infront of Bapu Bhawan , Lucknow, India
INR 499.00