A biographical drama based on the rise and fall of the Norwegian black metal scene in the 1990s. The film centers on the infamous band Mayhem, particularly focusing on the troubled relationship between its members, especially the tragic events surrounding the band's guitarist, Euronymous (played by Rory Culkin), and the controversial figure Varg Vikernes (played by Emory Cohen). As the tension between the two escalates, the film depicts the dark, destructive path that leads to murder, arson, and the violent unraveling of the band's legacy. The movie explores themes of youth rebellion, identity, and the extreme elements of music culture.*********************************
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If you are interested in joining our group of volunteers, just message us (or email Owen at [email protected]), and we will tell you all about it!
Doors open 19.00, and close 19.30! It is not possible to gain entrance after doors are closed
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Hypnos Theatre, Norra Grängesbergsgatan 15, SE-214 50 Malmö, Sverige,Malmö, Sweden