A charming tongue-in-cheek comedy, Little Shop of Horrors, has become one of the longest-running Off-Broadway shows. Howard Ashman and Alan Menken (Disney's The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and Aladdin) are the creative geniuses behind this delicious sci-fi musical that has been devouring the hearts of audience members for more than thirty years. Timid floral assistant Seymour Krelborn discovers a new breed of plant that he names after his coworker, Audrey. The bloodthirsty, R&B-singing carnivore, “Audrey II” promises to give Seymour everything he has ever wanted as long as Seymour fulfills its need for blood. Love story meets horror movie is this tale of infatuation, longing, and carnage.ASL INTERPRETED PERFORMANCE Feb. 24
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
The College of St. Scholastica, 1200 Kenwood Ave., Duluth, United States