Lite Teesko is one of a kind Telugu Standup comedy show, which features Sarat Uday (@thatguy_uday), Anudeep (@anudeepkatikala), Bhagat Anukanti (@being_bhagat) and John Paul(@iam_dr_johnpaul) and some more surprise acts. This show is produced by Silly South Comedy. Silly South Comedy organises Telugu Standup comedy shows and open mics in Hyderabad. SillySouthComedy has been pivotal in building the Telugu standup comedy scene in Hyderabad. Follow @sillysouthcomedy on Instagram and Youtube to find out about the growing Telugu Standup Comedy scene. This show is specially designed for Telugu speaking audience who are 18+. Kids strictly not allowed inside the venue.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Flat Feet Studio: Mumbai, Morya Landmark 1, 515, Off Link Road, Opposite Infiniti Mall, Veera Desai Industrial Estate, Andheri West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400053, India
INR 249