--- Please scroll down for the English version ---Metoda gibanja 5Ritmov® Gabrielle Roth
Vodi Martina Motl, certificirana učiteljica 5Ritmov®
z Anže Bertoncelj, certificirani učitelj 5Ritmov®
V Letu Duše srečamo sami sebe v plesu: povežemo se z ognjem navdiha, ki razplamteva našo ustvarjalno dušo. Na tej petdnevni delavnici se bomo zbrali, da zaplešemo s tistimi deli sebe, ki nas povezujejo z najvišjim občutkom resnične svobode; prebudili in ponovno oživeli bomo svoje celo bitje.
V poletni delavnici Let Duše bomo….
priklicali nazaj dele sebe, ki hrepenijo, da bi bili slišani
prebudili tisto nedolžno, igrivo plat, ki je v vsakem od nas
dopustili, da bivamo v preprostosti trenutka
priplesali do sveže energije, vitalnosti, povezanosti in se hkrati
stalno zavedali, da smo mi sami TA navdih
Na tej delavnici, ki bo potekala na slovenski obali, bo dovolj časa za počitek, plavanje, igro in povezovanje. Če iščete počitnice, ki vam omogočajo, da se vrnete nazaj k sebi ter odložite bremena odgovornosti in stresa, pridite plesat z nami na delavnico Let Duše – prebujanje kreativne, igrive plati sebe. Dobrodošli!
Pričetek v ponedeljek, 21.7.2025 ob 19.30. Zaključek v nedeljo 27.7.2024 ob 13.30. Podroben program prejmete po prijavi.
Odprto srečanje bo potekalo v ponedeljek 21.7.2025 od 19.30 do 21.30, registracija bo odprta od 19.00 dalje.
LOKACIJA: Izola (točno lokacijo prejmete po prijavi)
INFORMACIJE: [email protected], 040 210 440
CENA DELAVNICE: prijava po 20. juniju – 385 €
Prijava do 20. junija – 355 €
Zgodnja prijava do 20. maja – 325 €
Člani delovne ekipe – 210 € (omejeno število, z vnaprejšnjim dogovorom)
Za udeležence obeh delavnic – Let Duše in Spusti vase sonce – 250 € na delavnico
Samo odprto srečanje: 25 €*
*za udeležence delavnice je odprto srečanje vključeno v ceno
Rezervirali smo čudovit prostor na treh terasah, samo za našo skupino. Nahaja se nad Izolo, le 10 minut vožnje od naše plesne dvorane. Na voljo je dovolj prostora za postavitev šotora v senci dreves in za parkiranje avtomobilov. Na lokaciji je manjša hiša, na voljo je nekaj tušev in kuhinja. Na lokaciji se nahaja tudi skupni prostor, kjer se bomo lahko podružili in uživali v pogledu na Izolo od zgoraj. Vsi, ki si boste našli zasebno nastanitev, ste toplo dobrodošli, da se nam na lokaciji pridružite ob večerih, ko bomo zakurili ogenj.
Izjavi udeleženk poletne delavnice Let Duše 2024:
»Ples življenja se nadaljuje in zdi se resnično veselo in razburljivo! Kaj se mi zdi dobro in koristno za moje vsakdanje življenje in prakso: gibanje v globoki tišini, izražanje globoke želje, vizije, namere ... jasno in preprosto gibanje, ki ga nosi dih! Odličen opomnik, da še bolj vključim dih! Hvala Martina za tvojo odprtost, tvojo iskrenost in spontanost, tvoje veliko srce! In dragi Anže, ganila me je tvoja ljubeča skrb za našo skupino, tvoja jasnost, tvoja nežnost, tudi ko si poučeval! Čudovita energija! Vse skupaj je bilo tako prijetno, s kopanjem v morju in z odličnim izletom z ladjico! In ljubek prostor za kampiranje s tem čudovitim razgledom! Obema želim veliko veselja in ljubezni ter upam, da spet zaplešem z vama.” Hanna
“Martina je mogočna učiteljica in katalizatorka in teden v Izoli je bil resnično transformativen. Posebej dragocena je bila sinergija plesa in utelešenih praks z ustvarjalnim in ekspresivnim umetniškim delom. Raznolikost skupine mi je bila všeč prav tako kot lokacija. Način, kako sta Martina in njen partner in součitelj Anže držala delavnico in prostor za individualne in skupinske procese, je bil visoko profesionalen in sočutno iskren. Čeprav se že vrsto let ukvarjam z različnimi zavestnimi plesnimi oblikami, sem ponovno presenečena nad transformativno močjo 5Ritmov in vodenjem predanih in strastnih učiteljev.” Laya Commenda
MARTINA MOTL: imam 17 let izkušenj s poučevanjem umetnosti, delom v gledališču ter intuitivnim petjem. Enajsto leto zapored vodim redna tedenska srečanja v Ljubljani, vodim delavnice v Sloveniji in tujini. Učim s strastjo, združujem znanje in navdih. V letu 2022 sem postala certificirana učiteljica za nivo dela s čustvi (Heartbeat) in ostajam predana učenka prakse 5Ritmov. Sem akreditirana aktivna članica mednarodne organizacije 5Rhythms Global (
Spremljajte nas na FB strani: Ples Ritmov Slovenija ali se pridružite skupini 5Rhythms with Martina and Anze.
Udeležba na delavnice se šteje za 5 dni, nivo valovi (Waves), za tiste, ki ste na poti za učitelja 5Ritmov.
JEZIK: delavnica bo vodena v angleščini/slovenščini.
Movement practice of Gabrielle Roth's 5Rhythms®
Led by Martina Motl, Certified 5Rhythms® Teacher
with Anže Bertoncelj, Certified 5Rhythms® Teacher
In Soul Flight we meet ourselves in the dance, connecting with the fire of inspiration that fuels our creative soul. We come together in this 5 day workshop to dance with the parts of ourselves that connect us to the ultimate feeling of true freedom, reviving and awakening our being.
In the Soul Flight Summer Workshop we....
Call back the parts of ourselves yearning to be heard
Awaken that innocent playful side present in each of us
Allow ourselves to be in the simplicity of the moment
Dancing away refueled, energized, connected while
Always remembering that we are THE inspiration
We will have time for rest, swimming, play, and connection in this workshop held on the coast of Slovenia. If you are looking for a vacation where you can come home to yourself, drop responsibilities and let go of stress come dance with us in Soul Flight-Awakening the Creative Playful Self. Welcome!
Starts on Monday, 21st of July 2025 at 19.30. Finishes on Sunday, 27th of July 2025 at 13.30. You will receive a detailed schedule upon registration.
Open meeting will take place on Monday, 21st of July 2025 from 19.30 till 21.30, registration will be open from 19.00.
LOCATION: Izola (exact location after registration)
Izola is located 1 hour 10 minutes from Ljubljana, 25 minutes from Trieste, 2 hours from Venice, 2 hours 10 minutes from Klagenfurt, 2 hours 30 minutes from Zagreb, 3 hours from Graz, 4 hours 35 minutes from Vienna, 5 hours from Linz and Munchen, 5 hours 10 minutes from Budapest, 7 hours from Zurich.
INFORMATIONS: [email protected], + 386 40 210 440 (also Viber and Whatsapp)
WORKSHOP PRICE: registration after June 20th - 385 €
Registration before June 20th - 355 €
Early birds until May 20th - 325 €
Working team members - 210 € (limited numbers, with prior agreement)
For participants of both workshops – Soul Flight and Let the Sunshine in – 250 € per workshop
Only Open Meeting: 25 €*
*for participants of the Workshop, Open Meeting is included into the price
We reserved a beautifull place just for our group. It is located above Izola, just 10 minutes drive from our dancing hall. There is enought place to set your tent in the shadow of trees and to park the cars. On location there is smaller house with few showers and a kitchen. There is a place for gathering in the evenings, where we can hang out and enjoy the view on Izola from above. All of you, who will find yourself a private accommodation, are warmly welcome to join us on site in the evening by the fire.
look for flights to Trieste, Italy (50 minutes drive to Izola)
look for flights to Ljubljana, Slovenia (1 hour 15 minutes drive to Izola)
look for flights to Venice, Italy (1 hour 50 minutes drive to Izola)
From Ljubljana to Izola by bus
see timetables at Ljubljana bus station -
direct bus from Vienna to Portorož (then bus to Izola) -
From Ljubljana to Koper by train (and then bus to Izola)
see timetables at Slovenian railways -, call center for calls from abroad +386 1 29 13 331
If you will wish, we will connect you with local dancers for the shared ride from Ljubljana (and other cities) to Izola. Mark accordingly in electronic application.
Statement of the participant of the summer workshop Soul Flight 2024:
“The dance of life goes on and it feels really joyful and exciting! What I find good and helpful for my daily life and practice: the movement in stillness, expressing a deep wish, a vision, an intention… clear and simple movement, carried by the breath! A great reminder to integrate the breathing even more! Thank you, Martina, for your openness, your honesty and spontanity, your big heart! And dear Anže, i have been touched by your loving care for our group, your clarity, your gentleness, also when you were teaching! Beautiful energy! All together has been so enjoyable, with swimming in the ocean and with the great boat trip! And the lovely camping place with this wonderful view! I wish you both much joy and love and hope to dance with you again.” Hanna
“Martina is a powerful teacher and catalyst, and the week in Izola was truly transformative. The synergy of dance and embodied practices with creative and expressive artwork was particularly valuable. I loved the diversity of the group just as much as the location. The way Martina and her partner and co-teacher Anže facilitated the retreat and held space for individual and collective processes was both highly professional and compassionately heartfelt. Although I've been practicing various conscious dance forms for many years, I am once again surprised by the transformative power of 5Rhythms and the guidance of dedicated and passionate teachers.” Laya Commenda
MARTINA MOTL: I have 17 years of experience in teaching art, doing theatre work and practicing intuitive singing. For eleven years I have been leading regular weekly 5Rhythms dance classes, the Waves level. I lead workshops in Slovenia and abroad. I teach with passion and combine knowledge with inspiration. In year 2022 i became certified teacher for the Heartbeat level and I remain a committed student of the 5Rhythms practice. I am an accredited active member of international organisation 5Rhythms Global (
Follow us on FB page: Ples Ritmov Slovenija or join our group 5Rhythms with Martina and Anze.
For those on a path to become a 5Rhythms teacher, this workshop counts 5 days, Waves level.
LANGUAGE: the workshop will be led in English.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Izola/isola, Slovenia, Izola, Slovenia, Koper