Na Blejskem gradu je živela mlada vdova. Moža so ji ubili razbojniki. Da bi počastila njegov spomin, je zbrala vse svoje zlato in srebro ter dala uliti zvonček za kapelico na otoku. Ko so zvonček peljali na otok, se je dvignil hud vihar, ladjica se je prevrnila, brodarji so se utopili, zvonček je potonil.
Ob mirnih in jasnih nočeh se zvonček še zdaj oglaša iz jezerskih globin.
Mlada vdova je odšla v Rim in vstopila v samostan. Po njeni smrti je poslal papež drug zvonček za jezersko cerkev. Kdor pozvoni z njim, se mu izpolni želja, ki jo ima med pozvanjanjem.
Tudi letos bo Legenda o potopljenem zvonu na božični dan, 25. decembra, ob 17. uri zaživela v Grajskem kopališču.
Christmas afternoon, on December 25 at 5 PM, one of the most beautiful Bled legends, the famous legend of the wishing bell, which has been making wishes come true for hundreds of year on Bled Island, will be re-enacted on the surface of Lake Bled by the Castle Bathing Area with the cooperation of the divers of the Bled Society for Underwater Activities.
Once upon a time there lived a young widow in the castle of Bled. Her husband was killed by robbers and his body was thrown into the lake. She was so inconsolable that she gathered all her gold and silver and cast a bell for the chapel on the island, in memory to her husband. But the bell didn’t arrive there. The bell, the boat and boatmen sank during a terrible storm. The desperate widow sold all her property after this accident. She offered the proceeds for the construction of a new church on the island. She left Bled and lived the rest of her life in Rome as a nun. After her death the Pope had heard of her misfortune and of her good deeds during her life as a nun, so in memory to her he decide to make a new bell. He said that anyone that rings the bell three times and believes in God, his or her wish would come true. Even today sometimes, on a dark night you can hear the sunken bell ringing from the depths of the lake.
Vstop prost. Dogodek se bo fotografiral in snemal. 📸
Prireditev poteka v sklopu blejske Zimske pravljice 2024/25. Celoten program dogodkov je na voljo tukaj ➡️
Free entry. The Legend of the Sunken Bell will be photographed and filmed.
The event is part of the Bled Winter Fairytale 2024/25. The full programme is available here ➡️
Organizator / Organiser:
Javni zavod Turizem Bled
Ljubljanska cesta 27, 4260 Bled
T.: +386 (0)4 5780 500
E.: [email protected]
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Grajsko Kopališče BLED, Veslaška promenada 11,Bled, Slovenia, Trzic