About this Event
Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance Training / Limited Lawn & Ornamental Class 2025
Date: 9/10/2025
Time: 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Training Site:
In-person class offered by UF/IFAS Miami-Dade Extension (John D. Campbell Ag Center)
18710 SW 288th Street
Homestead, FL 33030
Who should attend?
People who would like to become licensed to apply glyphosate, insecticides and fungicides with a Caution signal word to ornamental plant beds, including hedges.
It will grant 2.0 CEUs on Core (general standards) for both Chapters 487 and 482 plus 2.0 CEUs on Limited Landscape Maintenance/ L&O, Commercial L&O, Private, O&T, Private, Natural areas, Right-of-Way, and/or Pub. Health towards license renewal.
Topics to be covered:
- Basic Principles of Applying Pesticides Correctly
- Insects Affecting Ornamentals & Control Measures
- Diseases Affecting Ornamentals & Control Measures
- Weeds & W**d Control in Ornamentals
- Laws & Regulations Affecting License Holders
- Labels for Ornamental Plant Beds
There's no exam offered at the same day, you have to register and schedule for your exam separately if needed!
The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Employment Opportunity – Affirmative Action Employer authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, color, sex, age, handicap or national origin. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A. & M. University Cooperative Extension Program and Boards of County Commissioners Cooperating For sign language interpreters or materials in accessible format or other ADA Accommodations please call (305) 248-3311 at least five days in advance.
Event Venue
UF/IFAS Miami-Dade County Extension Office, John D. Campbell Ag. Center, 18710 SW 288th ST, Homestead, United States
USD 33.85 to USD 44.52