Experience the cutting edge of comedy with the "Saturday Late Night Comedy Show" at Comedyville, located inside Montreal's iconic Central Station (Gare Centrale) at 895 Rue de la Gauchetière Ouest. This daring stand-up event features 5 professional comedians pushing boundaries and exploring the edges of humour, perfect for those who appreciate comedy that toes the line between provocative and playful.Join us for the late show at 11:00 PM—doors open at 10:45 PM. Food and drinks are available from 10:45 PM but are not included in the ticket price.
Ticket Prices: $10 early / $15 on the day of the event / $20 at the door. We recommend arriving early to grab the best seats and enjoy a pre-show drink.
Convenient interior and exterior parking is available. The venue is easily accessed through the main hall of Central Station or the side entrance of the Terminal Tower at 800 boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest.
Secure your tickets in advance at to ensure your spot at this must-see event, featuring some of Montreal's best comedians and surprise guests every weekend. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit Experience the best of late-night comedy in English at Montreal Comedy Club this Saturday!
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
The Comedyville Comedy Club in Montreal, Bureau en Gros, Rue de la Gauchetière O, Montréal, QC H3B, Canada,Montreal, Quebec