Kula Family Feud

Thu Jun 30 2022 at 05:30 pm to 06:30 pm

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Kula Cloth
Publisher/HostKula Cloth
Kula Family Feud
Join us for a Game Night Classic: Family Feud - Kula Style.
About this Event
Join Us for a Hysterical Game of Kula Family Feud

Win some prizes. Have a few laughs. And wonder why you didn’t do this sooner.

We’re surveying the Kulaverse to collect the most popular answers to some of the craziest questions ever. Join us on June 30th to find out how you answered them and whether or not our Kula Families can guess them in a hysterical game of Family Feud.

What is Kula Family Feud?

It's our spin on the classic television game show that first appeared in 1976. But we're making up our own rules so that everyone can play! We'll split our attendees into two teams and let the chaos ensue.

Everyone Gets to Play!

That's right! Everyone gets to play but you better be quick to buzz into the chat with our special symbol. Then be ready to provide one of the top answers if you want to lead your team toward victory. You might want to be familiar with Family Feud but don't expect us to adhere to the rules 100%.

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Loose Rules

Each round begins with a "face-off" question that serves as a toss-up between the two Kula Teams. We'll asks a survey question that was previously posed to the Kulaverse through a survey.

For Example: "Name Something Snowmen Might Have Nightmares About"

Answers are concealed on the board, ranked by popularity of the survey's responses. Only answers provided by at least two people will appear on the board.

The first contestant to buzz in the chat will be asked to give an answer. If they provide the most popular answer, their team wins the face-off and gets to tackle the remaining survey answers for that question. Otherwise, the opponent from the opposing team responds and the family member providing the higher-ranked answer wins. Ties are broken in favor of the contestant who buzzes in first. If neither contestant's answer is on the board, the other contestants have a chance to respond, one at a time from alternating sides, until an answer is revealed. The family that wins the face-off may choose to play the question or pass control to their opponents.

Points are tallied for each correct answer and the team with the most points at the end wins.

Come Play with Us!


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