• English description below •"Zajtrk z avtorjem" je tradicionalni program Sejma knjige v Istri, ki je od samega začetka pridobil legendarni ugled med občinstvom, avtorji in gosti Sejma. Med gosti tega programa so bili Orhan Pamuk, Umberto Eco, Péter Esterházy, Adonis, Peter Sloterdijk, Wole Soyinka, Philippe Claudel, Claudio Magris, Jiří Menzel, Dušan Karpatský, Irvine Welsh, Erica Fischer, Dacia Maraini, Kenneth White, Alberto Manguel…
Kot priznani gostitelj "Zajtrka z avtorjem" že več kot deset let kulturolog Aljoša Pužar navdušuje tako avtorje kot občinstvo s svojim teoretsko utemeljenim, a duhovitim slogom.
3. oktobra 2024 se bo "Zajtrk" preselil s prvotnega prizorišča, kavarne Mozart v Pulju, na drugo prizorišče avstro-ogrskega dediščine, Galerijo Cukrarna, kjer bo Aljoša Pužar gostil Kristiana Novaka, zvezdo sodobne hrvaške literature.
???????? ????? je eden najbolj priznanih hrvaških pisateljev, jezikoslovec in profesor na Filozofski fakulteti v Zagrebu. Njegov drugi roman, Črna mati zemla (2013, slovenski prevod je izšel leta 2020), je požel veliko bralskega navdušenja po celotni južnoevropski regiji. Sledil mu je roman Cigan, ampak najlepši (2016, slovenski prevod je izšel leta 2020), ki je, tako kot njegov predhodnik, prejel najuglednejše hrvaške literarne nagrade. S tem se je Novak trdno zasidral v kanon sodobne hrvaške književnosti.
?????̌? ???̌?? je kulturolog, pisatelj in redni profesor kulturologije na Fakulteti za družbene vede Univerze v Ljubljani. Predaval je tudi na univerzah v Trstu, Berlinu in na Reki. V letih 2006–2016 je poučeval kulturne študije, kulturno antropologijo, kulturno geografijo, ženske študije in druge predmete na univerzah v Južni Koreji (YONSEI, HUFS). Med njegovimi objavljenimi deli so knjige o literarni zgodovini, obmejnih študijah in korejski kulturi, pa tudi literarni eseji, prevodi, kratke zgodbe in poezija.
V sodelovanju s Knjižnim sejmom v Istri.
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Vstop prost.
#festivalINDIGO ?
"Breakfast With the Author" is a traditional program of the Book Fair(y) in Istria that has gained a legendary reputation among the audience, authors, and guests of the Fair since the very beginning. Some of the guests of this program were Orhan Pamuk, Umberto Eco, Péter Esterházy, Adonis, Peter Sloterdijk, Wole Soyinka, Philippe Claudel, Claudio Magris, Jiří Menzel, Dušan Karpatský, Irvine Welsh, Erica Fischer, Dacia Maraini, Kenneth White, Alberto Manguel…
As the famed host of Breakfast With the Author, culturologist Aljoša Pužar has intrigued both authors and audience with his theoretically grounded, yet witty style for over ten years.
On 3rd October, the Breakfast will travel from its original stage, Cafe Mozart in Pula, to another site of Austro-Hungarian heritage, Cukrarna Gallery where Aljoša Pužar will talk with Kristian Novak, the star of contemporary Croatian literature.
???????? ????? is one of the most renowned Croatian writers, a linguist, and a professor at the University of Rijeka. His second novel, Black Mother Earth (2013), has been received with great enthusiasm by readers throughout the Southern European region. This was followed by his novel Gypsy, But the Prettiest (2016), which, like its predecessor, won the most prestigious Croatian literary awards. With these works, Kristian Novak has firmly established himself in the canon of contemporary Croatian literature.
?????̌? ???̌?? is a culturologist, writer, and professor of cultural studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. He has also lectured at the universities of Trieste, Berlin, and Rijeka. From 2006 to 2016, he taught cultural studies, cultural anthropology, cultural geography, women's studies, and other subjects at various South Korean universities, including YONSEI and HUFS. His published works include books on literary history, border studies, and Korean culture, as well as literary essays, translations, short stories, and poetry.
In collaboration with the Book Fair(y) in Istria.
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Admission free
Event Venue & Nearby Stays, Poljanski nasip 40, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija,Ljubljana, Slovenia