KRALJICA V SLOVENIJI - Fotografska razstava z uradnega obiska kraljice Elizabete II. v Sloveniji

Fri Sep 02 2022 at 08:00 am to 10:00 pm

Mestna hiša (Magistrat, Rotovž), Ljubljana | Ljubljana

Galerija Kresija
Publisher/HostGalerija Kresija
KRALJICA V SLOVENIJI - Fotografska razstava z uradnega obiska kraljice Elizabete II. v Sloveniji
Fotografska razstava z uradnega obiska kraljice Elizabete II. v Sloveniji leta 2008
Stekleni atrij ljubljanske Mestne hiše
30. 8.–11. 9. 2022

Fotografska razstava je nastala ob letošnji obeležitvi platinastega jubileja vladanja britanske kraljice Elizabete II. Platinasti jubilej obeležuje trenutek, ko je prvič v zgodovini britanski monarh na prestolu vladal celih 70 let. V Združenem kraljestvu se praznovanja platinastega jubileja letos vrstijo skozi vse leto.

Njeno veličanstvo kraljica Elizabeta II. pa je še posebej povezana s Slovenijo, saj se je leta 2008 tukaj mudila na državniškem obisku skupaj s svojim možem, pokojnim princem Filipom, vojvodo Edinburškim. In Slovenija je tudi ena redkih držav na svetu, ki so jo v zadnjih tridesetih letih obiskali prav vsi kraljičini otroci.

Fotografska razstava, ki so ji podpisali fotografi Agencije Bobo, bo od 30. avgusta do 11. septembra 2022 na ogled tudi v Steklenem atriju ljubljanske mestne hiše. Fotografije poudarjajo in izpostavljajo trenutke, ki jih je kraljica doživela v Sloveniji in v stiku z njenimi prebivalci, med drugim tudi med njenim sprehodom po starem mestnem jedru Ljubljane.
"The Queen in Slovenia"
Photo exhibition on the official visit of Queen Elizabeth II in Slovenia in 2008
This year marks the 70th anniversary of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II - the year of her "Platinum Jubilee" celebrations. The Platinum Jubilee marks the first time in history that a British monarch has reached 70 years on the throne. Celebration continue to be held throughout the year in the UK and around the world, including in Slovenia. The British Embassy in Slovenia commissioned this roaming exhibition as part of those celebrations.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has a special tie to Slovenia, having visited here in 2008 with her husband, HRH the late Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. And Slovenia is one of very few countries around the world that have received visits from all of the Queen’s children in the last thirty years.

The photographs on display were taken by the photographers of the Bobo Agency, who documented the entire visit. The photographs in the exhibition were specially selected to highlight human moments when the Queen connected with Slovenia and its people, including during her walk through the old town.
The exhibition will be on display in the Glass Atrium of the Ljubljana City Hall from August 30 to September 11, 2022.

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Mestna hiša (Magistrat, Rotovž), Ljubljana, Slovenia

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