Prišiel nám takýto zaujímavý shoegaze. Tak sme si povedali, že vo februári je shoegaze dobrá voľba. Aj inokedy. Ale tento bude vo februári. Na malom stage.KODACLIPS založili v druhej polovici roku 2021 štyria priatelia žijúci v Cesene a jej okolí.
Každý člen pochádzal z iného umeleckého prostredia, od psychedélie po stoner a progresívny rock, a v Kodaclips sa tieto zvuky rozplývajú spolu s vibráciami 90. rokov.
Kodaclips, silne ovplyvnený druhou vlnou shoegaze, najmä italogaze scénou, rád experimentuje s melodickými a aranžérskymi nápadmi.
Svoju pódiovú premiéru absolvovali koncom roka 2021 a po niekoľkých lokálnych vystúpeniach boli vybraní ako predskokani na turné A Place to Bury Strangers v Taliansku.
Kodaclips vydali svoj debutový album Glances v septembri 2022 (Overdub Recordings).
Začiatkom roku 2023 ich singel Not My Sound postavil do centra pozornosti medzinárodnej shoegaze scény s videopremiérou na Backseat Mafia a intenzívnou rotáciou na DKFM a Eardrum Buzz.
Gone Is the Day je názov druhého albumu Kodaclips, ktorý vyšiel 6. septembra 2024 na Sister 9 Records z Manchestri vo Veľkej Británii. Album produkovali sami Kodaclips, mixáž a mastering mal na starosti James Aparicio. Zvuk je shoegaze s postpunkovými a psychedelickými vibráciami: hlboké dozvuky a drsné skreslenia, zatiaľ čo vokály visia v hypnotických špirálach.
Týždeň po vydaní albumu Kodaclips odohrali dvojtýždňové turné s kľúčovými koncertmi v Londýne, Leedse, Sheffielde, Coventry a Paríži.
Kodaclips were founded in the second half of 2021 by four friends living in and around Cesena, near Italy's north Adriatic Coast.
Each member came from a different artistic background, ranging from psychedelia to stoner and progressive, and in Kodaclips these sounds melt, together with 90’s vibes.
Heavily influenced by the second wave of shoegaze, especially by the italogaze scene, Kodaclips enjoy experimenting with melodic and arrangement ideas.
They made their stage debut towards the end of 2021 and, after a few local shows, they were chosen as opening act for A Place to Bury Strangers Italy tour.
Kodaclips released their debut album Glances in September 2022 (Overdub Recordings).
The album title was a tribute to one of their main influences, quoting the lyrics from Don, Aman, the 3rd track from the masterpiece Spiderland by Slint.
Early 2023, the single Not My Sound put them into focus of the international shoegaze scene, with a video premiere on Backseat Mafia and heavy rotation on DKFM and Eardrum Buzz.
Gone Is the Day is the title of Kodaclips' second album, released on September 06th on Sister 9 Records from Manchester, UK. The album was produced by Kodaclips themselves, with mixing and mastering by James Aparicio. The sound is shoegaze with post punk and psychedelic vibes: deep reverberations and abrasive distortions, while the vocals hang on in hypnotic spirals.
The week after the album release, Kodaclips played a 2 weeks tour with key shows in London, Leeds, Sheffield, Coventry and Paris.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
PINK WHALE, Nábrežie armádneho generála Ludvíka Svobodu 1868rkm, 811 02 Staré Mesto,Bratislava, Slovakia