Kino Palestine in Bratislava: Presentation & curated screening of short films

Wed, 22 Jan, 2025 at 06:00 pm

A4 - priestor súčasnej kultúry | Bratislava

A4 - priestor s\u00fa\u010dasnej kult\u00fary
Publisher/HostA4 - priestor súčasnej kultúry
Kino Palestine in Bratislava: Presentation & curated screening of short films

/// slovenčina nižšie ///
?Efforts to preserve and reclaim Palestinian visual archives confront erasure, decades of dispossession, and limited accessibility. Beginning with a screening of rare, restored films from the Palestinian archive, the presentation will examine how these films, more than historical records, serve as a testament to Palestinian efforts to establish a counter-narrative through the moving image and to preserve cultural heritage during this period. We will also address current initiatives to reclaim visual archives that Palestinians are systematically denied.
? The selection of films will be announced soon ?

?KINO PALESTINE? is a series of screenings featuring Palestinian films and discussions with Palestinian filmmakers within Prague’s cultural scene, on-going since December 2023. These screenings aim to provide a platform to amplify Palestinian voices, bring their narrative to the city and solidify solidarity from the art and cultural scene with Palestinians and Palestinian artists.
?Zaher Jureidini is a Lebanese cinematographer based in Prague, where he earned a master’s degree in Cinematography at FAMU. His work spans narrative and non-narrative visual projects, including short films and video works. Notable projects include Sea Salt (2023), a Czech-Lebanese short film that premiered at the 80th Venice Film Festival. In 2024, he was a cinematography fellow at the Busan Asian Film Academy. Zaher also engages in curatorial work and film research, exploring how moving images shape political and historical narratives. He is the co-founder of Kino Palestine, a series of screenings of Palestinian films in Prague, ongoing since December 2023.
? Kino Palestine je séria premietaní palestínskych filmov a diskusií s palestínskym autorstvom, ktoré prebiehajú v Prahe od decembra 2023. Cieľom týchto premietaní je poskytnúť platformu na zosilnenie palestínskych hlasov, priniesť palestínske rozprávanie do mesta a upevniť solidaritu umeleckej a kultúrnej scény s Palestínčanmi*kami a palestínskymi umelcami a umelkyňami. Projekciu uvedie prezentáciou Zaher Jureidini, kameraman pôvodom z Libanonu, ktorý sa venuje aj kurátorskej práci, filmovej teórii a výskumu. Je členom kolektívu Kino Palestine.
?️Vstupné dobrovoľné
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Z verejných zdrojov podporila Nadácia mesta Bratislavy a mestská časť Bratislava – Staré Mesto. Digitalizáciu Kina inak finančne podporil Audiovizuálny fond.

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

A4 - priestor súčasnej kultúry, Šancová 3984, 811 05 Bratislava, Slovensko,Bratislava, Slovakia

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