About this Event
What is Kink & Ink?:
We are a monthly SoCal based poetry reading specifically aimed at the kink community. We encourage you to explore yourself, explore your partners, and use your findings to explore the power of creative expression through poetry! We welcome poets of all background and skill levels, and poems stemming from all forms of inspiration. We want to hear that poem about how blissful it felt to hear your partners screams, but we are JUST as eager to hear that poem about the moment you lost your childhood pet. Creative writings are also welcome, just be mindful of the time!
We are being hosted by Legacy Studios!:
Kink & Ink is now being held at Legacy studios on the last Thursday of every month. Legacy is a new produngeon space in Los Angeles! Come check out the space and see what they're all about!
Inspiration hour (7-8pm):
This takes place the first hour. A poem is read by the Host, Rubix, to provide inspiration. At which point, attendees may write something inspired by the prompt in a style of their choosing. Attendees do not have to if they dont wish, but are encouraged to keep socialization to a minimum during this time to respect those who do.
(If you wish to read, but cannot attend inspiration hour, please arrive when able. However, those who are not reading are encouraged to arrive before 7:30 and participate in inspiration hour, regardless of whether they choose to read aloud.)
Readings (8-9pm):
Readings begin promptly at 8pm. Readers received no longer than 10 to 15 of time to perform, with no minimum time requirement. Poems can be of any genre or style. Please site all works not written by you
There will be a brief socialization period after.
Bring your disturbing, kinky, depressing, funny, happy, witty poems and share them in a safe space with your fellow kinksters. We aren't here to judge you. We are here to hear you.
Some poems just cannot be appreciated by the vanilla public, and that's why Kink & Ink was created. As a submissive, there is a hidden interpretation behind much of my poetry that isn't received from a vanilla perspective, so I created Kink & Ink to give me a place to share my poetry, be it kink oriented or not!
About the Moderator
Rubix has been a member of the SoCal BDSM community for 8 amazing years. During that time, she's explored various forms of self-expression through kink, such as DDLG, petplay, and M/s. While BDSM has her heart, Poetry was Rubix's first love. At the age of 13 she started writing poetry as an outlet. At age 16 she began attending poetry readings, and at age 20 she realized that it was time to combine her two passions and create an alternative space for poetic expression. Four years later, Kink & Ink was born.
DM Nekogray on fetlife with questions! See you there!

Event Venue
Legacy Studios, 8762 w. Pico blvd, Los angeles, United States
USD 17.85