The JK Weekender returns for 2022. We literally cannot wait to share the beautiful Hampshire countryside with you and spend the weekend surrounded by family, friends and VW's. We'll be going all out to make sure 2022 is an absolute corker! All camping ticket and trade fees go to our charity partner Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care. We'll see you there! Camping is by pre-booked camping ticket only. Camping runs from 2pm Friday 10th June (last admission 8.30pm) to 2pm Sunday 12th June 2022.
Day visitors are welcome to the Open Day on Saturday 11th June 2022 via donation on the gate. Day visitor attendance is 10am - 4pm Saturday only.
We're looking forward to the field being taken over by campers of all types and having a great time with you all - whilst raising some much needed funds for Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice.
Event Venue