ISTA Level 1 Portugal

Sun, 20 Apr, 2025 at 02:30 pm to Sun, 27 Apr, 2025 at 02:30 pm UTC+01:00

Alentejo, Portugal | Faro

ISTA Portugal
Publisher/HostISTA Portugal
Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Experience (SSSEx)
20 - 27 April 2025
Registration & More Information:
Please do reach out if you feel the call or have questions to
[email protected]

Level 1 is returning to Portugal for another poweful initiation.
We will be held inside a beautiful nature valley, home to on an old sanctuary that dates back for centuries. Allow yourself to be taken by the land as it gently whispers its mysteries to you. Our training takes place in a special week where the entire country celebrates freedom.
The most ignored, denied, misunderstood or bypassed area of spiritual exploration is the territory around sex and emotion. ISTA training's are life-changing weeks promoting the deep healing of our core wounds and our connection to the source of our sexuality and primal nature.
Would you like to address the issues that are still blocking you and to access more of your personal power?
Are you fully available emotionally, physically, spiritually and sexually to yourself, to life and to others?
Do you long to be fully met?
Welcoming all people >18 years old, of any sexual orientation or gender identity, whether monogamous, polyamorous or celibate that are feeling called to join us.


The Level 1 Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Experience focuses on clearing the physical and emotional body of shame, guilt and fear related to sexuality and authenticity. These feelings can be strong inhibitors to our essential life force. The deeper transformation comes from reconnecting to your personal power by exploring sexuality as a fast path to encountering our own power challenges and gifts.
Our skilled and amazing team will inspire, guide and support you to bring light to the shadows where your power awaits to be reclaimed. You will receive information, guidance and lots of experiential practice around:
-boundaries and consent
-emotional release
-voice dialogue
-shamanic tools
-shadow work
-the ability to manifest
-accessing your inner gender opposite
-conscious communication
-transformational breathwork
-ancient rituals of healing/initiation and powerful sexual clearing/activation processes
This is done through multiple pathways using the best of the ancient temple arts including tantra, taoist, shamanic traditions, bioenergetics, guided visualization, emotional release, kundalini activation, conscious touch, consent skills, amongst other practices we use to dive deep into ourselves.


This training is for EVERYONE. It’s open to ALL who are called.
The ISTA experience has reached people in all of their diversity.
People aged 18 to 80 have participated in Level 1 trainings. They come from many different backgrounds, professions, religions, spiritual beliefs, races and nationalities.
People from various sexual/relational paths including celibacy, monogamy, and polyamory are also drawn to ISTA. As are people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.
Couples, individuals and relationship groups of any formation are welcome.
The practices offered in this training are designed to touch us deeply at the core of our lives as an embodied being.
No prior knowledge of or experience in shamanism or sacred sexuality is necessary.

PLEASE NOTE: This is an individual process that happens in a group environment and a level of ability to be self-responsible is needed to navigate the spiritual sexual shamanic space.
ISTA is a mystery school and approaches trauma from the shamanic perspective of connecting with the body and soul.
We recommend that if there is known deep-seated trauma, individuals seek one on one sessions and get approval to participate from their therapist before entering the group process.


Raffaello Manacorda is an international Tantra teacher and practitioner. He has been practicing Tantra for more than 15 years and has undergone intensive training in several styles of Yoga. After completing an MA in Philosophy, Raffaello decided to spend more than twelve years living in alternative communities and experimenting with radically alternative lifestyles.
It was in these wild years that he first encountered Tantra, the "rebel way to Spirit". This encounter developed into a life-long practice, first on a solo journey, then studying Tantra and Yoga in some of the best worldwide schools. Raffaello serves as lead faculty in ISTA, the International School of Temple Arts, and teaches and lectures worldwide. He is currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program in Wisdom Studies with Ubiquity University (California).
Raffaello is the co-creator of the ISTA Practitioner Training (PT), ISTA’s program for coaches and practitioners in the field of conscious sexuality.

CAITLYN COOK (Co-Facilitator)
Caitlyn was 10 years old when she first worried that she wasn’t good enough. She started believing she must earn love by being impressive. Transforming into perfectionism and performance anxiety, she developed clinical anxiety, depression and disordered eating as a young woman.
Caitlyn’s journey to freedom is what led her to become an international facilitator and 1:1 practitioner working in trauma-informed somatic healing. Exploring the fields of mindfulness, Self-Love, sacred sexuality and shamanic healing, she now shares the tools and magic that helped bring her back to Life.
Caitlyn currently studies the Bwiti tradition in Gabon, Africa. This is an ancient wisdom tradition that uses African plant medicine and ritual for deep transformation and understanding. She organizes for people to get initiated by consecrated masters in the forest temples of Gabon.
Along with this powerful tradition, Caitlyn's influences include embodiment and somatics, mindfulness, meditation, Tantra, Christian mysticism, sexual alchemy, acting, psychodrama, nature, movement and ritual.
She currently lives in Gabon, Africa and spends a lot of time patting cats, enjoying thick rainstorms and learning about love.

JUAN ES ALZATE (Co-Facilitator)
Since 2008, Juan has been working with shamanism to effect healing change in his life and the life of others. This work has taken Juan all around the world, working and training with shamans from China, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Brazil and throughout the USA.
Juan has trained and is experienced in; psychic intuitive development, Reiki, Akashic Records, Yoga, Kungfu, Tantra, Transformational Psychology, Holotropic, and Shamanic Breathwork to name a few. He completed the core of his shamanic training with Alberto Villoldo at The Four Winds Society in 2012.
Since 2017 Juan has been diving deep in the Tantric Arts, serving as facilitator with ISTA-International School of Temple Arts. He is dedicated to bringing shamanic and tantric healing to all humanity, especially those who are ready to go on and take responsibility for their own healing journey.


Alentejo has been a base for temples for over 7000 years, with several megalithic stone circles spread across the region.
If you are flying to Portugal, there are two airports suitable for reaching our venue:
- Faro Airport: 2h drive
- Lisbon Airport: 3h drive


Super Early Bird Price € 1950
Early Bird Price €2100
Regular (tent/camper) €1850
Regular (shared rooms) €2250
Portuguese Citizens €1700
Repeaters €1700

Price includes tuition, all meals and accommodation.


ISTA (International School of Temple Arts) has run events in 46 countries, over 15 years, reaching over 10,000 participants. It is part of a global transformational movement where human consciousness is being opened to its source as love and harmoniously integrating with other sentient kingdoms and dimensions. In particular ISTA works with spirituality and sexuality as two expressions of the life force. Our vision is a world where humans have a peaceful, delightful, shameless, fearless and loving relationship with their own bodies, sexuality, emotions, hearts, minds and spirit.

Warm Welcome

Event Venue

Alentejo, Portugal, Faro, Portugal

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